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Great Migrations Whales (National Geographic Kids Readers, Level 3): As Seen on the National Geographic Channel
Children's - 3rd-7th Grade, Age 8-12 
48 p. ; 
Retail $5.99

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Quality Paper
ISBN 9781426307454
Make Way For Books
Quality photographs complement informative text, providing a realistic background to additional insights presented through illustrations, maps, riddles, and diagrams. Context and scale is clearly shown throughout by word and illustration. Engaging.
Publisher Summary
Over the course of their 70-year lifespan, sperm whales will easily travel the circumference of the Earth in search of food and the need to breed and find a mate. Males will travel as far north as the Bering Sea and as far south as Antarctica in order to find enough food to sustain their ways of live--up to 700 squid a day! Along the way, these massive beasts battle 30-feet-long giant squids, and each other, to sustain their ways of life.National Geographic supports K-12 educators with ELA Common Core Resources.Visit for more information.
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