Remember Me

Jake and Lily
Children's - 3rd-7th Grade, Age 8-12 
368 p. ; 
Retail $9.99

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Quality Paper
ISBN 9780064471985
Make Way For Books
Lily's life is changing fast and she is not happy—really not happy—hide-in-your-room-for-days not happy! Through the guidance of her beloved Poppy, Lily finds the courage to embrace change and find new friends in unexpected places. As she learns to accept all that makes her unique, Lily learns powerful lessons about love, letting go, and family. At the same time Lily's story is told, author Jerry Spinelli masterfully mixes in the story of Jake, Lily's twin brother, who spends the summer learning lessons of his own. Jake must learn the difference between friendship and popularity, and how to correct a massive mistake. While their summers head very different directions, these twins come together to offer readers an enjoyable read that illustrates an important lesson about character when it counts.
Publisher Summary
Beloved Newbery Medalist Spinelli ("Maniac Magee") addresses issues of identity, belonging, family, and bullying in this humorous and heartfelt novel about twins.
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