Remember Me

Corduroy's Hike
Children's - Kindergarten-3rd Grade, Age 5-8 
32 p. ; 
Retail $4.99

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ISBN 9780593432266
Publisher Summary
Corduroy was first introduced to readers in 1968 and soon became a classic character. Everybody's favorite department store bear is having further adventures, now in Step into Reading, the premier reader line!

When Lisa goes on a hiking trip, Corduroy sneaks into her backpack. Lisa is surprised to find him there, but she thinks he'll be safe as long as he stays tucked inside. Corduroy just has to take a peek outside, and when he does, he falls out! Will Lisa find him again? Based on the popular characters created by Don Freeman, the Corduroy easy-to-read series is ideal for independent readers.

Step 3 Readers feature engaging characters in easy-to-follow plots about popular topics; for children who are ready to read on their own.
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