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23 Matches Found
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Avail In Cart Title Author ISBN Format MWFB Qty
225 0 A Bad Case of Stripes Shannon, David 9780439598385 other $7.19
14 0 All the Broken Pieces Burg, Ann E. 9780545080934 other $8.09
32 0 Boris on the Move: A... Joyner, Andrew 9780545484435 other $6.29
31 0 Capture the Flag Messner, Kate 9780545419741 other $8.09
0 0 Countdown: Volume 1 Wiles, Deborah 9780545106061 other $8.99
78 0 Daniel's Story Matas, Carol 9780590465885 other $8.09
149 0 The False Prince (the... Nielsen, Jennifer A. 9780545284141 other $8.09
12 0 Five True Dog Stories Davidson, Margaret 9780590424011 other $4.49
104 0 Freedom Crossing Clark, Margaret Goff 9780590445696 other $5.59
33 0 George Washington's Socks Woodruff, Elvira 9780590440363 other $6.29
19 0 George Washington's Spy Woodruff, Elvira 9780545104883 other $7.19
15 0 Helen Keller Davidson, Margaret 9780590424042 other $5.39
194 0 I Survived the Bombing... Tarshis, Lauren 9780545206983 other $5.39
281 0 Kensuke's Kingdom Morpurgo, Michael 9780439591812 other $8.09
34 0 Loot Watson, Jude 9780545468039 other $8.09
0 0 Louis Braille: The Boy... Davidson, Margaret 9780590443500 other $7.19
98 0 Nothing But the Truth... Avi 9780545174152 other $8.99
46 0 The Orphan of Ellis... Woodruff, Elvira 9780590482462 other $8.09
13 0 Paint the Wind... 9780545101769 other $8.09
86 0 Shark Lady: True... McGovern, Ann 9780590447713 other $4.49
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