Remember Me

Punctuation Takes a Vacation
Children's - Kindergarten-3rd Grade, Age 5-8 
28 p. ; 
Retail $8.99

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Quality Paper
ISBN 9780823418206
Make Way For Books
This is a fantastic way to "show not tell" how punctuation works. What would happen if punctuation took a vacation? Stories get unruly and time no longer make sense. In fact, communication gets a little unruly. Humorous punctuation postcards convey messages that resemble a punctuation mark's purpose, helping readers understand their proper use. Clever, animated, and a way to make learning fun.
Publisher Summary
Mr. Wright's class can't believe it. What will it be like without question marks, apostrophes, periods, and commas? Punctuation has never been as entertaining as it is in this wacky picture book.
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