Remember Me

Point Guard Pride
Children's - 4th-7th Grade, Age 9-12 
96 p. ; 
Retail $8.99

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Quality Paper
ISBN 9781515883463
Make Way For Books
This character-driven plot focuses on the emotions the daughter of mixed-race parents goes through when she receives a racist note at her new middle school. Anger, confusion, fear, frustration fog her steps to justice. Streamlined writing walks readers through Yasmin's difficult choices that ultimately lead to maturity and restoration within her community of friends, teammates, parents, and school leaders.
Publisher Summary
It is never easy to be the new kid in school--or on the basketball team. But when Yasmin Jones faces racism from one of her new teammates, she insists on dealing with it on her own. Her solution is to prove to her new team that she is a star player. As pressure builds, though, Yasmin's game suffers. How can Yasmin address her problems on and off the court?
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