Remember Me

Hardcourt Comeback
Children's - 2nd-6th Grade, Age 7-11 
152 p. ; 
Retail $6.99

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ISBN 9781561455164
Publisher Summary
Brett Carter, the Wildcats' star forward, is a hotshot on his basketball team--or at least he was.

After missing an easy layup shot at the buzzer in one of the most important games of the season, he feels like a total loser. And things only get worse from there... At his best friend's birthday party at a rock-climbing center, Brett freezes on the wall. Then he blows an easy question in the American history bee at school. And when he gets back on the court, he can't get rid of this terrible pounding in his chest. Brett is losing his confidence fast. With the championship game is coming up, can he overcome his fears and play like a "winner" again?

In the afterword, author Fred Bowen shares real stories of well-known players and their hard-fought comebacks.
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