Remember Me

Straight and Curvy, Meek and Nervy: More about Antonyms
Children's - 2nd-6th Grade, Age 7-11 
32 p. ; 
Retail $7.99

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Quality Paper
ISBN 9781580139397
Publisher Summary
Have fun with language!

What Is an antonym? One book is never enough to explore the wide range of antonyms!

In this follow up to Stop and Go, Yes and No, the zany (not ordinary) cats deliver loads of additional examples to illustrate the power of these opposites. Brian P. Cleary's playful (not dull) verse and Brian Gable's comical (not serious) cats turn traditional grammar lessons on end. Each pair of antonyms is printed in color for easy (not difficult) identification. Read this book aloud and share the delight of the sense--and nonsense--of words.
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