Remember Me

How to Babysit a Grandpa: A Book for Dads, Grandpas, and Kids
How to 
Children's - Kindergarten-3rd Grade, Age 5-8 
32 p. ; 
Retail $18.99

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ISBN 9780375867132
Make Way For Books
A delightful celebration of family and love, this sweet story is one to be treasured. As the story progresses readers get a unique perspective on all the things a boy loves about his grandpa. This telling beautifully displays the power of relationships and the joy that love and loyalty bring. It begs readers to share personal connections and stop and appreciate the important people who add meaning and security to their lives.
Publisher Summary
This is a hilarious and accessible picture book about a child spending time with his grandpa. Written in a how-to style, the narrator gives important tips for "babysitting" a grandpa, including what to eat for snack, what to do on a walk, and how to play with a grandpa. Full color.
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