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29 Matches Found
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Avail In Cart Title Author ISBN Format MWFB Qty
0 0 A Bride for Anna's Papa Marvin, Isabel R. 9781571316509 other $6.26
49 0 A Week in the Woods Clements, Andrew 9780689858024 other $7.19
123 0 All the Way Home Giff, Patricia... 9780440411826 other $7.19
0 0 The Animal Hedge Fleischman, Paul 9780763638429 other $8.99
0 0 Baseball Ballerina Cristaldi, Kathryn 9780679817345 other $5.39
1 0 Come Here, Tiger! Moran, Alex 9780152048600 other $5.39
58 0 Forty Acres and Maybe a... Robinet, Harriette... 9780689833175 other $7.19
0 0 Friend on Freedom River Whelan, Gloria 9781585362226 hb $17.99
0 0 Hero Shotz, Jennifer Li 9780062560391 other $8.99
5 0 Jake Drake, Class Clown Clements, Andrew 9781416949121 other $6.29
0 0 Jake Drake, Teacher's Pet Clements, Andrew 9781416939320 other $5.39
0 0 Kickoff! Barber, Tiki 9781416970804 other $7.19
0 0 Kickoff! Barber, Tiki 9781416936183 hb $14.39
115 0 Library Lion Knudsen, Michelle 9780763637842 other $8.09
9 0 Listening for Lions Whelan, Gloria 9780060581763 other $8.99
11 0 The Man with the Violin Stinson, Kathy 9781554515646 other $8.96
0 0 The Man with the Violin Stinson, Kathy 9781554515653 hb $17.96
0 0 The Million Dollar Race Smith, Matthew Ross 9781534420274 hb $16.19
1267 0 The Million Dollar Race Smith, Matthew Ross 9781534420281 other $7.19
0 0 My Brother, My Sister,... Watkins, Yoko... 9780689806568 other $8.54
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