History's Stories
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Make Way for Books
At 4 years old, Troy "Trombone Shorty" Andrews found the music of his New Orleans hometown irresistible. He joined crowds of musicians, mimicking them with homemade instruments, and eventually playing right along on a found, beat-up trombone. His insatiable appetite for playing music sends a powerfully important to readers; hard work doing something you love and are gifted to do is not only fulfil ... AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
While recounting the details of this historical movement, the author leaves readers with a deep respect for the courage shown by the people involved. An engrossing and inspiring read! A note from the author regarding terminology in the book: "Many words have been used to describe people of color. I use 'black' and 'African American' interchangeably and with equal respect in the pages that follow. ... AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Beautiful free verse tells a story, both from individual perspectives and in general, that is punctuated with moving mixed-media illustrations. An unforgettable reading experience based on the experience of the author and her family. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
A love of words carries a young man from the shackles of slavery to poetic heights in this brilliant biography. The story is inspiring, and appropriately, the illustrations have a very upward and uplifting orientation. A beautiful tribute to a man who was indeed remarkable! AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Watercolors rich with color and undertones speak to the deep character of Harriet Tubman, once General Tubman, Union Spy, Moses, Araminta, and more. Concise word selection shapes historical contrasts within short lines of verse on each spread, conveying poignant truth with hope and a relentless spirit bound only by freedom. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Taking over a rowdy gym class right before winter vacation is not something James Naismith wants to do at all. The last two teachers of this class quit in frustration. The students--a bunch of energetic young men--are bored with all the regular games and activities. Naismith needs something new, exciting, and fast to keep the class happy--or someone's going to get hurt. Saving this class is going ... AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Courage can require more than a brave act; it can call on on to overcome the past and its associated fears to act for the benefit of others. This story, set in Northeastern Pennsylvania's col country, explores themes of courage, family, friendship, and acceptance. A gentle yet powerful reading experience. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
As he does in Chasing Lincoln's Killer, Swanson captures the drama, tension, and suspense of the devastating assassination and the determined pursuit of the murderer. This is history that reads like a thriller. Highly recommended, especially for young adult readers. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
At fourteen Langston is uprooted from his home in rural Alabama to post-war inner-city Chicago. He is utterly lost with no friends or family for comfort and only his overworked father to help him through the difficulties of city living. But one day running from ever-present bullies, he accidentally finds his first oasis, a public library, where he begins to find himself.
Make Way for Books
Beautiful biography of a man who took the risk of doing on television what had not been done before: engaging children through authentic gentleness, imagination, and wisdom. Highly recommended!
Make Way for Books
Shetterly highlights an important segment in US History by focusing on four intelligent ladies whose skill earned them places in what is now NASA. Their acceptance into this program was blocked, at first, because misguided beliefs about their skin color and gender prohibited their participation. Context, setting, and a timeline of events is beautifully conveyed and displayed for readers to underst ... AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Junko Tabei of Japan is an intrepid young woman who loves climbing mountains. As a college student in Tokyo, she joins a post-war club of climbers and hones her mountaineering skills. After time she creates to an all-girls group and befriends Rumie, another female climber. Every weekend she and Rumie pursue multiple peaks at creative angles. While climbing with Rumie, a very famous climber notices ... AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Messner approaches the presidency with an air of wonder. It's as if she wonders aloud: ""When this person was president, this future president was doing such and such."" Realistic illustrations capture the whimsy, seriousness, and emotion that every human can identify with. And in so doing, the text and art create pictures of normal people that young readers can identify with, and perhaps even asp ... AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Poignant account of the moment in history when in 1947 India and Pakistan divide not only their land but also their Muslim and Hindi citizens. Nisha, the daughter of a Muslim mother and a Hindu father, must now leave the land of her birth forever as she crosses the new nation of Pakistan to reach a new home in India. She describes this move in an honest, emotional journal addressed to her deceased ... AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
More than a trailblazer, Patricia Bath was a brilliant and determined ophthalmologist. Overcoming doubt and obstacles was something she did over and over throughout her life, as if she believed that there is always a way. A remarkable and inspiring biography with a fascinating subject! AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
In 1920 three American navy officers were on a routine practice run by balloon. A sudden storm hit sending them drastically off course. Subsequent actions to avoid a crash led them even further north into the snowy Canadian wilderness. Each man uses his strengths to encourage the others’ weaknesses. Kloor is the youngest, the most fit, and the best trained balloonist. Farrell is the oldest and l ... AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
When tragedy leaves you less than you were, how do you respond? Betty Robinson refused to let a horrible accident and a leg that would never be the same define the rest of her life. After an Olympic gold in 1928, Betty determined to return to the medal stand despite the seeming impossibility of getting there again. This true story of the first female track and field gold medalist will amaze and in ... AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Simply and beautifully told and illustrated, the book speaks of grace to forgive, grace personified in others, and grace for healing. A powerful tribute to the victims of the Charleston, tragedy in 2015 and of a man who recognized that "Amazing Grace" can do more than words. © 2009-2025 Clerestory Learning/Make Way for Books, llc