Remember Me

The Great Migration: Journey to the North
Children's - Preschool-3rd Grade, Age 4-8 
32 p. ; 
Retail $19.99

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ISBN 9780061259210
Make Way For Books
Beautiful free verse tells a story, both from individual perspectives and in general, that is punctuated with moving mixed-media illustrations. An unforgettable reading experience based on the experience of the author and her family.
Publisher Summary
We were one family among the many thousands. Mama and Daddy leaving home, coming to the city, with their hopes and their courage, their dreams and their children, to make a better life.

When Eloise Greenfield was four months old, her family moved from their home in Parmele, North Carolina, to Washington, D.C.

Before Jan Spivey Gilchrist was born, her mother moved from Arkansas and her father moved from Mississippi. Both settled in Chicago, Illinois. Though none of them knew it at the time, they had all become part of the Great Migration.

In this collection of poems and collage artwork, award winners Eloise Greenfield and Jan Spivey Gilchrist gracefully depict the experiences of families like their own, who found the courage to leave their homes behind and make new lives for themselves elsewhere.
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