Remember Me

The President Sang Amazing Grace
Children's - Kindergarten-2nd Grade, Age 5-7 
40 p. ; 
Retail $18.95

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ISBN 9781944903848
Make Way For Books
Simply and beautifully told and illustrated, the book speaks of grace to forgive, grace personified in others, and grace for healing. A powerful tribute to the victims of the Charleston, tragedy in 2015 and of a man who recognized that "Amazing Grace" can do more than words.
Publisher Summary
Lyrical account of the day President Obama sang with a grieving nation following the 2015 shooting in a black church in Charleston, South Carolina

When nine people were killed in a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina, in 2015, the nation grieved as one, and when President Barack Obama sang "Amazing Grace" during his eulogy for Reverend Clementa Pinckney, it was acknowledged as one of the most powerful moments of his presidency. Singer/songwriter Zoe Mulford was so moved that she wrote the song "The President Sang Amazing Grace," which was then illustrated by filmmaker and painter Jeff Scher for a video that has been viewed countless times. This book presents the lyrics to the song, Scher's paintings, excerpts from Obama's eulogy, biographies of those who were killed, historical context, and sheet music.
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