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Driven by an overwhelming sense of faith, direction, and conviction, Harriet Tubman risked her life repeatedly for the causes of freedom and equality. An amazing life beautifully captured in this biography for developing readers.
Make Way for Books
"Achievement is one thing. Achieving while overcoming challenges that would defeat most others is something else, and that's what comes through in Misty Copeland's story."
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The author shares the story of her younger self in this excellent autobiography for beginning readers. AUTHOR
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The biography emphasizes Edison's grit in improving or inventing new products.
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If a life is spent focused on what is "deserved" but not given, what temptations will arise? A study in more than his most famous decision, this book gives readers a view of Arnold that, in part, explains how he turned traitor.
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Florence Griffith Joyner's story is truly inspiring. From chasing jackrabbits across the desert and growing up in a low-income neighborhood to the pinnacle of her sport, FloJo worked hard, prayed, and developed her own sense of style both on and off the track. Young readers will cheer as the girl known as "Dee Dee" becomes one of the fastest women in history. AUTHOR
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The power of courage and hope transcended Helen's disability. This concise but rich retelling of Helen's life shows that growth and overcoming is possible through resilience, and this is evidenced first by Helen's parents, her teacher Annie, and then another teacher Sarah who believed Helen could accomplish even more. Well-written for young readers. AUTHOR
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The first black man to play professional baseball, Jackie Robinson helped break down walls of segregation in many walks of life. His biography is the story of one man's struggle to overcome great odds through hard work, skill and courage. AUTHOR
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Marco Polo was seventeen when he set out for China . . . and forty-one when he came back! More than seven hundred years ago, Marco Polo traveled from the medieval city of Venice to the fabled kingdom of the great Kublai Khan, seeing new sights and riches that no Westerner had ever before witnessed. But did Marco Polo experience the things he wrote about . . . or was it all made-up? Young readers a ... AUTHOR
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Profiling the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean in 1932, this age-appropriate biography explores Earhart's early years as an aviation pioneer and her mysterious disappearance in 1937. Illustrations. AUTHOR
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Loaded with interesting details, this biography and its accompanying graphics will engage young readers, especially young space enthusiasts. AUTHOR
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Rising through poverty, lack of confidence, and other challenges, Edson Arantes do Nascimento becomes arguably the greatest soccer player ever, known to fans as Pelé.
Make Way for Books
Remarkable is not a strong enough word to describe Ida. B. Wells. She used her skills to attack injustice wherever she saw it, seemingly without fear. Journalist, activist, mother, writer—Wells was a voice for the oppressed in every role she filled. A very interesting biography of an amazing individual. Includes connections to the recently opened Memorial for Peace and Justice where Ida B. Wells ... AUTHOR
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Has the subject of a biography ever surprised you? While most readers will immediately associate Strauss with his famous blue jeans, they will be surprised to find out how this innovative businessman made his mark (literally, the logo he created is still used!) on the world.
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Grit flowed through Nellie Bly's veins. Undeterred at every turn, she became a successful journalist (multiple times), a world traveler, and one of the most famous people of her era. An unforgettable character beautifully and engagingly presented in this can't-stop-reading biography.
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Mysterious and intriguing, Nikola Tesla was endlessly curious and an amazing thinker, able to produce working items without models or trial-and-error. (He just pictured it all in his head first!) Provides an in-depth glimpse of an innovator who is still discussed, debated, and revered.
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The man who specialized in the larger-than-life led an extraordinary life himself. Growing up in a community of extreme practical jokers, young Taylor learned the power of storytelling and used it to his advantage (and the wonder of others) as he grew up. Barnum was also incredibly resilient, coming back from bankruptcy, fires, and other defeats to make his fame—ad that of others—even wider. G ... AUTHOR
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Overcoming obstacles at every step, the Tuskegee Airmen personified dedication, courage, and perseverance. Amazing background and details reveal the truly heroic nature and actions of these brave soldiers.
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