History's Stories
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Make Way for Books
A compelling sequel to Good-bye Marianne. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Six days a week Minnie and Tessa sit, shoulder to shoulder, bent over sewing machines in a big room overflowing with piles of fabric, patterns, and lace. There is no fresh air, the light is dim, and there are too many people in the room. The work is hard and the days are long. Minnie and Tessa work at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company in New York City. The two fourteen-year-olds are best friends. It ... ILLUSTRATOR
Publisher Summary
One morning in March 1888, twelve-year-old Milton Daub awoke to find the world buried in snow. The blizzard was like nothing Milton and his neighbors in the Bronx had ever seen. No one dared go out into the storm. No one, that is, except Milton. He and his father made a pair of snowshoes from barrel hoops and old roller skates. Then Milton stepped bravely into the storm to buy milk for his family. ... AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
The war of 1812 is raging, and from the lighthouse where their father works, Rebecca Bates and her sister Abigail can see a British ship coming. But the American troops are nowhere near! Rebecca and Abigail go the rescue--to become an American army of two--in this adventure-filled tale based on the true story of two young women who turned the tables on the mighty British army. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Beautiful biography of a man who took the risk of doing on television what had not been done before: engaging children through authentic gentleness, imagination, and wisdom. Highly recommended!
Make Way for Books
At fourteen Langston is uprooted from his home in rural Alabama to post-war inner-city Chicago. He is utterly lost with no friends or family for comfort and only his overworked father to help him through the difficulties of city living. But one day running from ever-present bullies, he accidentally finds his first oasis, a public library, where he begins to find himself.
Publisher Summary
In his signature prose, Freedman draws on personal stories and historical accounts to provide a dramatic overview of how the 381-day resistance to segregated buses in Montgomery, Alabama, spearheaded the Civil Rights Movement. Illustrations & photos. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Watercolors rich with color and undertones speak to the deep character of Harriet Tubman, once General Tubman, Union Spy, Moses, Araminta, and more. Concise word selection shapes historical contrasts within short lines of verse on each spread, conveying poignant truth with hope and a relentless spirit bound only by freedom. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Fifteen-year-old Paul Jennings looked out the window of the President's House. America was at war with Britain, and British soldiers were marching toward Washington. Terrified people were fleeing the city. But Paul was not going to join them yet. He was a slave who belonged to President Madison and his wife, Dolley. Dolley did not want to leave until her husband returned from the battlefront. Paul ... AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Jacques Costeau was a man who dreamed big, and this book invites readers to use his story to inspire their own. Full of details about the choices he made and how he persevered, he is a brilliant example of the effects of hard work, creativity, and determination. By the end of the story readers will be anxious to find their passion and make a difference. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Back in print A longtime favorite of several generations of Tar Heels, Taffy of Torpedo Junction is the thrilling adventure story of thirteen-year-old Taffy Willis, who, with the help of her pony and dog, exposes a ring of Nazi spies operating from a secluded house on Hatteras Island, North Carolina, during World War II. For readers of all ages, the book brings to life the dramatic wartime events ... AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Kehret, who contracted polio in 1949, describes the diagnosis, severe symptoms, treatments, physical therapy, walking sticks and more in this moving memoir. B&W illustrations. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
A magazine spread about migrant workers moved then-porter Gordon Parks to buy a camera and teach himself the craft. He sensed injustice, particularly "the unfairness of segregation" and soon learned to tell its story through the lens. His skilled shots eventually landed in major magazines, their first captures by a black photographer. An impactful way to show how the efforts of one man can give vo ... AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Heartwarming watercolor illustrations depict the delight Harry Coleburn, military veterinarian took in his new charge, Winnifred the black bear. While the storyline follows the endearing role Winnie played among soldiers at military camps, it conveys the critical role animal health played during World War I, a time when horses played the role of today's heavy equipment. The well-woven story comes ... AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
"The use of language...[functions] as an instrument of thought; not being merely its vehicle, but giving it wings for flight." - Peter Mark Roget
Roget's delight with language oozes from these pages. Illustrations, mostly hand-drawn give the sense Roget is telling his own story -- how curiosity and wonder drove his search to capture a moment or thought or concept with just the right word. His v ... AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Year after year, Eli watches the solemn lighting of seven candles at his family's celebration of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. On such a happy occasion, his parents and grandparents always seem sad, and Eli can't understand why.Then one year Eli travels to Eastern Europe to learn more about his family history. There, he learns how the candles represent his family's connection to the Holocaus ... AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
We can't get enough of this author/illustrator duo. They discover the most interesting individuals and masterfully shape the telling by relating familiar, present-day experiences with their characters' experiences, enabling details to stick. In this telling, William Carlos Williams faces the difficulty of balancing the need to earn a living with pursuing his artistic endeavors. He manages to estab ... AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Young Anita Dittman's world crumbles as Hitler begins his rise to power in Germany, but because she's a Christian and only half-Jewish, Anita feels sure she and her family are safe from the final solution. She couldn't have been more wrong. © 2009-2025 Clerestory Learning/Make Way for Books, llc