Remember Me

Manfish: A Story of Jacques Cousteau
Children's - Kindergarten-3rd Grade, Age 5-8 
40 p. ; 
Retail $16.99

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ISBN 9780811860635
Make Way For Books
Jacques Costeau was a man who dreamed big, and this book invites readers to use his story to inspire their own. Full of details about the choices he made and how he persevered, he is a brilliant example of the effects of hard work, creativity, and determination. By the end of the story readers will be anxious to find their passion and make a difference.
Publisher Summary
Before Jacques Cousteau became an internationally known oceanographer and champion of the seas, he was a curious little boy. In this lovely biography, poetic text and gorgeous paintings combine to create a portrait of Jacques Cousteau that is as magical as it is inspiring.
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