Remember Me

Artificial Intelligence and Work: 4D an Augmented Reading Experience
Teen - 3rd-9th Grade, Age 8-14 
32 p. ; 
Retail $33.32

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ISBN 9781543554717
Make Way For Books
A fascinating introduction to artificial intelligence and how it is being put to work today and being tested for its role in the future. An excellent way to challenge the imagination of readers to consider what could be possible and what might be potential pitfalls of such powerful technology.
Publisher Summary
What kind of work might be taken over by artificial intelligence (AI)? From doing dangerous jobs to helping to create products, the ideas are endless. Learn how the future of work might change because of AI and some of the ethical dilemmas that come along with rapidly changing technology. Bring Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) to your reluctant readers with a topic they will gravitate toward.
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