Remember Me

A Seed Is the Start
Children's - 1st-3rd Grade, Age 6-8 
32 p. ; 
Retail $17.99

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ISBN 9781426329777
Make Way For Books
Stewart invites readers on a trip to various parts of the world to discover seeds and their unique behaviors for spreading, sprouting, and growing. Rich with comparisons, readers appreciate the design wonders that enable weed seeds, tree seeds, flower seeds and more, to thrive. This is a sensory rich experience that may encourage readers to look at plants with greater curiosity.
Publisher Summary
Beautiful photography and lyrical text pair with comprehensive picture captions in award-winning author Melissa Stewart's story about the surprisingly diverse world of seeds. Learn all about the plant cycle, from how seeds grow, the fascinating ways they travel, and what it takes for a seed to become a plant.

Meet seeds that pop, hop, creep, and explode in this vividly illustrated introduction to the simplest concepts of botany. The story, which is perfect for elementary school Common Core learning, carefully highlights the many ways that seeds get from here to there, engaging children's curiosity with strong action verbs. Stunning photographs with fact-packed captions provide supporting details, explaining the role of seed features and functions in creating new generations of plants. Complete with an illustrated glossary and back matter featuring more resources, this book inspires wonder as it encourages budding botanists of all ages to look with new eyes at plants and their seeds.
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