Remember Me

The Major Eights 3: The Goo Disaster!
Children's - 1st-3rd Grade, Age 6-8 
112 p. ; 
Retail $5.99

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ISBN 9781499805864
Make Way For Books
Science fair first, concert second. With the rules set, Maggie gets to work on her project. Try after try end up in disaster—some of them rather sticky! As tie grows short, Maggie begins to wonder if she and her partner will have a science fair project or not, and if not, will she be able to play with the band in the upcoming concert? Another winner in this enjoyable series!
Publisher Summary
Maggie has to ace her science fair project or she won't be able to perform with the Major Eights at the school's annual arts fund-raising banquet. Can Maggie and the girls find a way to make sure Maggie aces the project? Illustrations.
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