Remember Me

Block Party (Confetti Kids #3): (Dive Into Reading)
Children's - Preschool-3rd Grade, Age 4-8 
32 p. ; 
Play, Food 
Retail $10.95

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Quality Paper
ISBN 9781620143421
Make Way For Books
Fear of what other's may think can't withstand the arrival of a delicious soup at the block party. A realistic portrayal of childhood concerns about being different.
Publisher Summary
Choices, Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC)

In this early chapter book, part of the Confetti Kids series, the neighborhood is having a block party and Padma worries that her friends won't like her mom's lentil soup.

The neighborhood is having a block party where everyone is responsible for bringing a food dish. Padma is excited about the party until she learns that her mother is planning to bring lentil soup. Padma thinks soup is so boring! Everyone else will bring fun things like pizza or hot dogs. Plus Padma worries that her friends won't like the soup--but to her delight, she discovers that they not only like the soup, they want to learn how to make it.
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