Remember Me

Tiny Goes Back to School
Children's - Kindergarten-1st Grade, Age 5-6 
32 p. ; 
Retail $5.99

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ISBN 9780448481340
Make Way For Books
A lovable and humorous character, "Tiny," returns to school. Will he learn? or will he teach the other dogs bad habits? A fun read for new readers!
Publisher Summary
Tiny is not obeying. He won't come when Elliot calls him, and he rolls over when he tells him to sit. Looks like somebody needs to go back to school! Cari Meister uses simple language in this new level 1 reader to instill confidence in beginning readers. And because of that, it is a book young children learning to read will come back to over and over again!

Garden State Children's Book Award 2017 Nominee.
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