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About Penguins: A Guide for Children
Children's - Preschool-2nd Grade, Age 3-7 
48 p. ; 
Retail $7.95

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Quality Paper
ISBN 9781561457410
Make Way For Books
Features many layers of information. The main text provides a general survey of the defining traits of penguins. The illustrations and captions provide additional details, such as the names of different types of penguins and their habitats. At the book's conclusion, each illustration is presented in a smaller format with a very detailed paragraph of explanation. As a result, the book provides options that will keep readers coming back to it for a few years.
Publisher Summary
A gorgeous first glimpse into the natural world of penguins.

Using clear and simple language, this addition to the acclaimed About... series teaches children what penguins are, how they look, how they move, what they eat, and where they live.

With his beautifully detailed, realistic paintings, noted wildlife illustrator John Sill introduces readers to a variety of penguins, from the Adélie to the rockhopper to the emperor. An afterword provides more details for curious young naturalists.
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