If You Plant a Seed: An Easter and Springtime Book for Kids
Children's - Preschool-3rd Grade, Age 4-8
32 p. ;
Make Way For Books
Rich color and exquisite detail, though not overdone, illustrate a deeply meaningful lesson in kindness. Creatures young readers recognize - birds, rabbits, mice - portray human traits, planting seeds with hopes for a delicious harvest. This gardening metaphor cleverly illustrates how reaping and sowing have everything to do with each other. Sparse but carefully-worded text takes a back seat to Kadir Nelson's stunning illustrations that evoke emotion through age-appropriate, provocative perspectives. Readers sense the terrible disappointment selfishness can grow, and see the redeeming joy kindness can reap. This is a treasure to cherish.
Publisher Summary
If you plant a carrot seed . . . a carrot will grow.If you plant a lettuce seed . . . lettuce will grow.
But what happens if you plant a seed of kindness . . . or selfishness?
Beloved award-winning author-illustrator Kadir Nelson presents a resonant, gently humorous story about the power of even the smallest acts and the rewards of compassion and generosity.