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51 Matches Found
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Avail In Cart Title Author ISBN Format MWFB Qty
311 0 I Am Malala: How One... Yousafzai, Malala 9780316327916 other $9.89
102 0 If You Ever Want to... Parsley, Elise 9780316376570 hb $17.09
0 0 Imaginative Inventions:... Harper, Charise... 9780316347259 hb $17.09
198 0 Incident at Hawk's Hill Eckert, Allan W. 9780316209489 other $15.29
201 0 Keeping Corner Sheth, Kashmira 9780786838608 other $15.29
0 0 Knights in Shining Armor Gibbons, Gail 9780316300384 other $8.09
24 0 Let It Snow Hobbie, Holly 9780316352246 other $8.09
12 0 The Librarian Who... Lasky, Kathryn 9780316515269 hb $17.99
185 0 The Lion & the Mouse... Pinkney, Jerry 9780316013567 hb $17.99
68 0 Moses: When Harriet... Weatherford, Carole... 9780786851751 hb $17.09
243 0 Mr. Revere and I: Being... Lawson, Robert 9780316517294 other $7.19
68 0 Mr. Tiger Goes Wild Brown, Peter 9780316200639 hb $17.09
57 0 The Mysterious Benedict... Stewart, Trenton Lee 9780316003957 other $8.99
68 0 The Mysterious Benedict... Stewart, Trenton Lee 9780316057776 hb $17.99
31 0 The Mysterious Benedict... Stewart, Trenton Lee 9780316036733 other $8.99
26 0 The Mysterious Benedict... Stewart, Trenton Lee 9780316057806 hb $17.99
43 0 The Mysterious Benedict... Stewart, Trenton Lee 9780316045506 other $8.99
30 0 No Better Friend: Young... Weintraub, Robert 9780316344654 other $8.99
74 0 Of Beetles & Angels: A... Asgedom, Mawi 9780316826204 other $10.79
201 0 Only the Names Remain:... Bealer, Alex W. 9780316085199 other $8.09
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