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33 Matches Found
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Avail In Cart Title Author ISBN Format MWFB Qty
203 0 Dominguez, Angela 9781250820518 other $7.19
9 0 A Storm Too Soon (Young... Tougias, Michael J. 9781250115379 other $10.79
6915 0 A Wrinkle in Time:... L'Engle, Madeleine 9780312367541 other $8.09
104 0 Amos & Boris Steig, William 9780312535667 other $8.09
0 0 Barn Dance! Martin, Bill 9780805007992 other $8.99
93 0 Bob Mass, Wendy 9781250308696 other $8.09
1429 0 Book Scavenger Chambliss Bertman,... 9781250079800 other $8.99
131 0 Brave Irene: A Picture... Steig, William 9780312564223 other $8.99
1159 0 Claudette Colvin: Twice... Hoose, Phillip 9780312661052 other $11.69
428 0 Doctor de Soto: (Newbery... Steig, William 9780312611897 other $9.89
35 0 The Eagle of the Ninth Sutcliff, Rosemary 9780312644291 other $10.79
247 0 The Empty Pot Demi 9780805049008 other $9.89
0 0 Everything for a Dog Martin, Ann M. 9780312674847 other $8.99
0 0 Eye: How It Works Macaulay, David 9781626722132 other $8.99
56 0 The Finest Hours (Young... Tougias, Michael J. 9781250044235 other $8.09
20 0 The Gardener: (Caldecott... Stewart, Sarah 9780312367497 other $8.99
8 0 George Washington's Teeth Chandra, Deborah 9780312376048 other $8.99
3 0 I, Juan de Pareja: The... De Trevino,... 9780312380052 other $8.99
0 0 Jet Plane: How It Works Macaulay, David 9781626722118 other $8.99
8 0 The Lantern Bearers Sutcliff, Rosemary 9780312644307 other $12.59
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