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59 Matches Found
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Avail In Cart Title Author ISBN Format MWFB Qty
37 0 A Tangle of Knots Graff, Lisa 9780147510136 other $8.99
1 0 Amanda Pig, First Grader Van Leeuwen, Jean 9780142412763 other $4.49
37 0 Amos Fortune, Free Man Yates, Elizabeth 9780140341584 other $8.09
0 0 The Babysitters Chaconas, Dori 9780448480503 other $4.49
8 0 Best Friends Chaconas, Dori 9780142415931 other $4.49
0 0 Black Duck Lisle, Janet Taylor 9780142409022 other $9.89
234 0 Blood on the River:... Carbone, Elisa 9780142409329 other $8.99
0 0 The Bookstore Burglar Maitland, Barbara 9780141310336 other $5.39
0 0 Caleb's Choice Wisler, G. Clifton 9780140382563 other $6.29
0 0 Cheetah Cubs Clarke, Ginjer L. 9780448443614 other $4.49
8 0 Cork & Fuzz: Good Sports Chaconas, Dori 9780142417133 other $5.39
12 0 Enola Holmes: The Case... Springer, Nancy 9780142413906 other $8.09
0 0 Finders Keepers Chaconas, Dori 9780142418697 other $5.39
0 0 The Garden That We Grew Holub, Joan 9780141311982 other $5.39
0 0 Get Well, Good Knight Thomas, Shelley... 9780142400500 other $5.39
3 0 Giant Squid: Mystery of... Dussling, Jennifer 9780448419954 other $5.39
25 0 Good Night, Good Knight Thomas, Shelley... 9780142302019 other $5.39
0 0 Honeybees Milton, Joyce 9780448428468 other $4.49
1 0 The Liberation of... Going, K. L. 9780142407660 other $7.19
21 0 Mockingbird Erskine, Kathryn 9780142417751 other $8.09
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