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10 Matches Found
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Avail In Cart Title Author ISBN Format MWFB Qty
42 0 Adam of the Road (Puffin... Gray, Elizabeth... 9780142406595 other $8.09
3297 0 The Devil's Arithmetic Yolen, Jane 9780142401095 other $8.09
0 0 Gentle Ben Morey, Walt 9780142405512 other $7.19
8 0 Homer Price (Puffin... McCloskey, Robert 9780142404157 other $8.09
0 0 Rascal North, Sterling 9780142402528 other $8.09
5 0 Rascal North, Sterling 9780140344455 other $8.09
188 0 Roll of Thunder, Hear My... Taylor, Mildred D. 9780142401125 other $8.09
31 0 Sadako and the Thousand... Coerr, Eleanor 9780142401132 other $7.19
23 0 The Twenty-One Balloons... Pene Du Bois,... 9780142403303 other $8.09
3244 0 The Westing Game (Puffin... Raskin, Ellen 9780142401200 other $8.99
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