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17 Matches Found
Publisher Summary
Allen Jay's family farm is a stop on the Underground Railroad. Allen's parents give food and shelter to slaves escaping from the South. One day in 1842, Allen's father asks him to help a runaway slave. Is Allen brave enough? This exciting true story takes you along as Allen meets Henry James, an African American man struggling to find freedom.
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ISBN 9780876146057
ISBN 9780876146057
Publisher Summary
The war of 1812 is raging, and from the lighthouse where their father works, Rebecca Bates and her sister Abigail can see a British ship coming. But the American troops are nowhere near! Rebecca and Abigail go the rescue--to become an American army of two--in this adventure-filled tale based on the true story of two young women who turned the tables on the mighty British army.
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Quality Paper
ISBN 9780876145470
ISBN 9780876145470
Publisher Summary
Bronco Charlie longs for a life of adventure. By the time he turned eleven, he'd been a sailor, a cowboy, and could tame wild bucking broncos. But Charlie was always itching for new challenges, and when a Pony Express horse shows up riderless, Charlie gets his big chance. The next station is fifty miles away, and Charlie will have to ride through rocky mountains in the blinding rain to safely deli ...
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Quality Paper
ISBN 9781575056180
ISBN 9781575056180
Publisher Summary
Helga and Erik could not believe their eyes. There were grasshoppers everywhere, and they were eating the crops! In the 1870s, when grasshoppers destroyed farms in Minnesota and other Midwestern states, many families gave up and moved away. This is the story of how two Swedish immigrant children help their parents save their home on the prairie.
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Available: 2
Available: 2
Quality Paper
ISBN 9780876146392
ISBN 9780876146392
Publisher Summary
The boat creaked and moaned as the storm's waves smashed into the ship. Down in the hold, Andre' sat between crates that held the great copper lady, the Statue of Liberty. They were on their way to America, but would the storm that raged prevent them from getting there? Given to the people of the United States in 1885 by the people of France as a symbol of friendship between the two countries, the ...
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Available: 4
Available: 4
Quality Paper
ISBN 9780876149607
ISBN 9780876149607
Publisher Summary
In 1957, nine teenagers were chosen to be the first black students to attend all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. A small group of people in Little Rock, including the governor of Arkansas, wanted to keep them out. But those nine students knew they had a right to a good education. And they would do anything to crack the wall that had kept black people and white people apart.
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Available: 11
Available: 11
Quality Paper
ISBN 9781575052274
ISBN 9781575052274
Publisher Summary
On December 21, 1848, Ellen Craft and her husband, William, slipped out into the cold, dark night and took their first steps towards freedom. They were runaway slaves. Posing as a white man traveling with a slave, Ellen courageously boarded a train bound for Philadelphia. Could they actually make it a thousand miles without being discovered? As each tension-filled day passed and freedom got closer ...
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Quality Paper
ISBN 9780876147870
ISBN 9780876147870
Publisher Summary
Six days a week Minnie and Tessa sit, shoulder to shoulder, bent over sewing machines in a big room overflowing with piles of fabric, patterns, and lace. There is no fresh air, the light is dim, and there are too many people in the room. The work is hard and the days are long. Minnie and Tessa work at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company in New York City. The two fourteen-year-olds are best friends. It ...
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Quality Paper
ISBN 9780876149706
ISBN 9780876149706
Publisher Summary
Jackie Mitchell has always wanted to be a great pitcher, and she finally has the chance to become one! In her first minor league game, she is up against two of the greatest home-run hitters of all time--Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig. Does she stand a chance?
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Quality Paper
ISBN 9781575054551
ISBN 9781575054551
Publisher Summary
Kate stared at the rickety wooden bridge. There were boards loose on its narrow walkway. There was no railing to hold on to. She was afraid to cross this bridge even in daylight. But she had to cross it now. She had to get to the train station in time to stop the midnight express. When a heavy storm destroyed the bridge over Honey Creek, near Kate Shelley's home in Moingona, Iowa, fifteen-year-old ...
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Available: 18
Available: 18
Quality Paper
ISBN 9780876145418
ISBN 9780876145418
Publisher Summary
In the winter of 1856, a storm delays the lighthouse keeper's return to an island off the coast of Maine, and his daughter Abbie must keep the lights burning by herself. Full-color illustrations.
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Available: 48
Available: 48
Quality Paper
ISBN 9780876144541
ISBN 9780876144541
Publisher Summary
When nine-year-old Sarah and her little sister, Annie, set out on their way to school on January 12, 1888, they have no idea what their day will hold. The weather's so warm they go outside to play. Suddenly, the wind turns cold and begins to roar--it's a blizzard! The wind is so strong it rips the school's roof off. What will they do? The freezing snow is already up to their knees and without a ro ...
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Available: 5
Available: 5
Quality Paper
ISBN 9781575056197
ISBN 9781575056197
Publisher Summary
One morning in March 1888, twelve-year-old Milton Daub awoke to find the world buried in snow. The blizzard was like nothing Milton and his neighbors in the Bronx had ever seen. No one dared go out into the storm. No one, that is, except Milton. He and his father made a pair of snowshoes from barrel hoops and old roller skates. Then Milton stepped bravely into the storm to buy milk for his family. ...
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Available: 6
Available: 6
Quality Paper
ISBN 9780876149591
ISBN 9780876149591
Publisher Summary
On a dark, cold, and rainy night in April 1777, Sybil Ludington sets out on a journey to warn American soldiers that danger is headed their way. The British are coming! They have already attacked a nearby town, and it is up to sixteen-year-old Sybil to make sure that she reaches the American soldiers before the British do. With only a large stick to defend herself, and her horse, Star, for company ...
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Available: 14
Available: 14
Quality Paper
ISBN 9781575054568
ISBN 9781575054568
Publisher Summary
Fifteen-year-old Paul Jennings looked out the window of the President's House. America was at war with Britain, and British soldiers were marching toward Washington. Terrified people were fleeing the city. But Paul was not going to join them yet. He was a slave who belonged to President Madison and his wife, Dolley. Dolley did not want to leave until her husband returned from the battlefront. Paul ...
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Quality Paper
ISBN 9780822560500
ISBN 9780822560500
Publisher Summary
Johnny Moore watched as the amazing airplane moved along the track. He wondered if the Flyer would make it off the ground and if the pilot would be able to stay in control. then suddenly it was up--soaring into the strong winds before plunging back to the ground. The flight of the Flyer had lasted only a few seconds, but it had flown! This historic 12-second ride will always be remembered as the f ...
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Quality Paper
ISBN 9780876145685
ISBN 9780876145685
Publisher Summary
Eleven-year-old Willie McLean knows that General Lee will defeat the Yankees and win the Civil War, he just knows it. When a battle moves to the fields near his home in Appomattox, Virginia, Willie's thrilled--especially when General Lee, himself, comes to Willie's house! But then General Grant comes, too. Overhearing the two men talk, Willie hears one word: Surrender. Is the war really over?
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ISBN 9781575056982
ISBN 9781575056982
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