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41 Matches Found
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Avail In Cart Title Author ISBN Format MWFB Qty
6 0 A Mouse Called Wolf King-Smith, Dick 9780375800665 other $7.19
0 0 Absolutely Lucy Cooper, Ilene 9780307265029 other $6.29
67 0 The Amazing Impossible... Harness, Cheryl 9780689825842 other $7.19
19 0 Amelia and Eleanor Go... 9780590960755 hb $17.99
12 0 The Animal Rescue Club Himmelman, John 9780064442244 other $5.39
0 0 Aunt Clara Brown:... Lowery, Linda 9781575054162 other $8.09
0 0 Balto and the Great Race... Kimmel, Elizabeth... 9780679891987 other $6.29
0 0 Because I Love You Lucado, Max 9780891079927 hb $15.29
53 0 The Day Gogo Went to Vote Sisulu, Elinor... 9780316702713 other $8.09
0 0 Detective Dinosaur Lost... Skofield, James 9780064442572 other $4.49
8 0 Ducks Don't Get Wet Goldin, Augusta 9780064451871 other $8.09
4 0 Flash, Crash, Rumble,... Branley, Franklyn M. 9780064451796 other $5.39
257 0 The Flying Flea, Callie,... Wallace, Bill 9780671039684 other $7.19
33 0 From Head to Toe Carle, Eric 9780064435963 other $8.99
119 0 From Head to Toe Carle, Eric 9780694013012 hb $8.99
2 0 Giant Squid: Mystery of... Dussling, Jennifer 9780448419954 other $5.39
8 0 Grandpa's Teeth Clement, Rod 9780064435574 other $8.09
0 0 John Henry Lester, Julius 9780140566222 other $8.09
0 0 The King's Equal Paterson, Katherine 9780064420907 other $6.29
3 0 Lily's Crossing Giff, Patricia... 9780440414537 other $8.09
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