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8609 2016-04-14 13:00:27 2025-03-10 02:30:02 A Cache of Jewels: And Other Collective Nouns 1 9780698113541 1  9780698113541_small.jpg 8.99 8.09 Heller, Ruth  2025-03-05 00:00:01 1 true  9.33000 8.83000 0.15000 0.39000 000054518 Puffin Books Q Quality Paper World of Language 1998-02-23 48 p. ; BK0003059035 Children's - Kindergarten-3rd Grade, Age 5-8 BKK-3            0 0 ING 9780698113541_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780698113541.jpg 0 Heller, Ruth    In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 0 0
Publisher Summary
"Highly informative and lushly . . . illustrated. An unbeatable combination for pleasure and learning".--"Children's Book Review Service". "The illustrations and the vocabulary will delight small eyes and ears".--"School Library Journal". An "American Bookseller" Pick of the Lists.

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ISBN 9780698113541
6290 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-10 02:30:02 Amber on the Mountain 1 9780140564082 1  9780140564082_small.jpg 7.99 7.19 Johnston, Tony, Duncan, Robert A.  2025-03-05 00:00:01 1 true  9.96000 9.90000 0.10000 0.33000 000054518 Puffin Books Q Quality Paper Picture Puffin Books 1998-05-01 32 p. ; BK0003118734 Children's - Preschool-3rd Grade, Age 4-8 BKP-3        Low Discount

K U8 RA Drawing Conclusions    0 0 ING 9780140564082_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780140564082.jpg 0 Johnston, Tony   3.0 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 0 0
Publisher Summary
Amber's mountain is a beautiful but lonely place, until the day Anna arrives, bringing both her friendship and the will to teach Amber how to read. Suddenly, Amber's world is filled with new magic--and new challenges. But when Anna returns to the city, will Amber be able to keep reading on her own? "Heartwarming".--"Publishers Weekly", starred review. Full color.

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ISBN 9780140564082
8147 2014-07-01 22:16:37 2025-03-10 02:30:02 The Bee Tree 1 9780698116962 1  9780698116962_small.jpg 8.99 8.09 Polacco, Patricia  2025-03-05 00:00:01 G true  10.02000 8.00000 0.10000 0.28000 000054518 Puffin Books Q Quality Paper  1998-05-04 32 p. ; BK0003101709 Children's - Preschool-3rd Grade, Age 4-8 BKP-3      California Young Reader Medal | Nominee | Primary | 1997      0 0 ING 9780698116962_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780698116962.jpg 1 Polacco, Patricia   4.3 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 0 0
Publisher Summary
When Mary Ellen gets bored with her reading, Grandpa knows a hunt for a bee tree is just what she needs. Half the town joins the exciting chase, but it's not until everyone returns home that Mary Ellen makes a discovery of her own: sometimes even the sweetest of things must be worked for. "Another charming piece of Americana from an artist of rare warmth and originality".-- "Kirkus Reviews", point ...

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ISBN 9780698116962
6294 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-10 02:30:02 Caleb's Choice 1 9780140382563 1  9780140382563_small.jpg 6.99 6.29 Wisler, G. Clifton  2025-03-05 00:00:01 1 true  7.72000 5.11000 0.43000 0.29000 000501060 Penguin Young Readers Group Q Quality Paper Puffin Novel 1998-05-01 160 p. ; BK0003101612 Not Applicable NA            0 0 ING 9780140382563_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780140382563.jpg 0 Wisler, G. Clifton   4.8 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 0 0
Publisher Summary
In 1858 Texas, people are violently divided over a law that makes it a crime to help runaway slaves. When an escaped slave saves Caleb's life, he must decide if he can break the law and risk his life to repay the debt.

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ISBN 9780140382563
6822 2009-07-01 17:16:16 2025-03-10 02:30:02 Chirping Crickets 1 9780064451802 1  9780064451802_small.jpg 5.99 5.39 Berger, Melvin  2025-03-05 00:00:01 1 true  8.01000 9.83000 0.12000 0.27000 000402352 HarperCollins Q Quality Paper Let's-Read-And-Find-Out Science 2 1998-05-01 32 p. ; BK0003031979 Children's - Preschool-3rd Grade, Age 4-8 BKP-3        Low discount

K U5 RA Cause & Effect    0 0 ING 9780064451802_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780064451802.jpg 0 Berger, Melvin   3.6 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 0 0
Publisher Summary
Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!That's the sound crickets make. You've probably heard them chirp on a summer evening. But did you know that they make their chirping sounds by rubbing their wings together, and that only male crickets can chirp?Inside this book you'll learn about crickets, and even how to tell the temperature by counting a cricket's chirps.Melvin Berger and Megan Lloyd have created a wonderful ...

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ISBN 9780064451802
6289 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-10 02:30:02 Cinder Edna 1 9780688162955 1  9780688162955_small.jpg 8.99 8.09 Jackson, Ellen  2025-03-05 00:00:01 1 true  10.98000 8.16000 0.11000 0.35000 000402352 HarperCollins Q Quality Paper  1998-09-24 32 p. ; BK0003145602 Children's - Preschool-3rd Grade, Age 4-8 BKP-3         89 1 4 1 0 ING 9780688162955_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780688162955.jpg 0 Jackson, Ellen   4.5 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 12 0
Publisher Summary
Cinder Edna has better things to do than sit in the ashes and feel sorry for herself. Can a girl who prefers loafers to glass slippers live happily ever after?

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ISBN 9780688162955
6595 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-10 02:30:02 Day Light, Night Light: Where Light Comes from 1 9780064451710 1  9780064451710_small.jpg 6.99 6.29 Branley, Franklyn M.  2025-03-05 00:00:01 1 true  8.00000 10.01000 0.22000 0.28000 000402352 HarperCollins Q Quality Paper Let's-Read-And-Find-Out Science 2 1998-02-01 32 p. ; BK0002902147 Children's - Preschool-3rd Grade, Age 4-8 BKP-3         30 1 21 1 0 ING 9780064451710_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780064451710.jpg 0 Branley, Franklyn M.   3.0 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 0 0
Publisher Summary
Moonlight is really sunlight!Did you know that the moon doesn't make its own light? Instead, it receives light from the sun and reflects it to us on the Earth. Read and find out about how the sun, the stars and light bulbs make light so we can see.Did you know that moonlight is really sunlight? The moon can't make its own light, so it receives light from the sun and then sends it to us here on the ...

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ISBN 9780064451710
6283 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-10 02:30:02 Dear Benjamin Banneker 1 9780152018924 1  9780152018924_small.jpg 9.99 8.99 Pinkney, Andrea Davis  2025-03-05 00:00:01 1 true  10.97000 8.07000 0.11000 0.34000 000013777 Clarion Books Q Quality Paper  1998-09-01 32 p. ; BK0003152661 Children's - 1st-4th Grade, Age 6-9 BK1-4         116 1 6 0 0 ING 9780152018924_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780152018924.jpg 0 Pinkney, Andrea Davis   5.7 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0 1768 1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 30 0
Publisher Summary
Benjamin Banneker was born free when most blacks were still enslaved. A self-taught mathematician and astronomer, he was the author of the first published almanac written by a black man. Throughout his life Bannecker was troubled that all blacks were not free. So, in 1791, he sent a letter to Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson. Here is the extraordinary correspondence between the two men. Full-co ...

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Quality Paper
ISBN 9780152018924
6278 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-10 02:30:02 Dear Levi: Letters from the Overland Trail: Letters from the Overland Trail 1 9780679885580 1  9780679885580_small.jpg 6.99 6.29 Woodruff, Elvira A gripping story told in a unique format. 2025-03-05 00:00:01 P true  7.61000 5.14000 0.36000 0.20000 000073171 Yearling Books Q Quality Paper Dear Levi 1998-02-10 128 p. ; BK0010362804 Children's - 3rd-7th Grade, Age 8-12 BK3-7    Family  Nutmeg Book Award | Nominee | Grades 4-6 | 2000   74 5 3 0 0 ING 9780679885580_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780679885580.jpg 1 Woodruff, Elvira   5.1 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0 1851 1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 0 0
Make Way for Books
A gripping story told in a unique format.

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ISBN 9780679885580
6052 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-10 02:30:02 Detective Dinosaur 1 9780064442350 1  9780064442350_small.jpg 5.99 5.39 Skofield, James  2025-03-05 00:00:01 1 true  8.48000 5.51000 0.19000 0.17000 000402352 HarperCollins Q Quality Paper I Can Read Level 2 1998-02-01 48 p. ; BK0003284535 Children's - Preschool-3rd Grade, Age 4-8 BKP-3            0 0 ING 9780064442350_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780064442350.jpg 1 Skofield, James   2.7 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 0 0
Publisher Summary
With the help of his sidekick, Officer Pterodactyl, Detective Dinosaur cracks the case of the missing hat, the squeaky shoe, and the scary shadow. The simple mysteries are perfect for young readers, and the appealing characters add just the right touch of humor. Full color.

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ISBN 9780064442350
7653 2011-04-22 13:47:35 2025-03-10 02:30:02 The Door in the Wall 1 9780440227793 1  9780440227793_small.jpg 7.99 7.19 De Angeli, Marguerite A fascinating journey to the Middle Ages through this Newbery Award-winning book. 2025-03-05 00:00:01 P true  6.70000 4.10000 0.40000 0.15000 000038825 Laurel Leaf Library P Mass Market Paperbacks  1998-08-10 120 p. ; BK0017413045 Children's - 7th Grade+, Age 12+ BK7+  1950 Newbery Award    Newbery Medal | Winner | Children's | 1950   113 3 6 0 0 ING 9780440227793_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780440227793.jpg 1 De Angeli, Marguerite   6.2 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 101 0
Make Way for Books
A fascinating journey to the Middle Ages through this Newbery Award-winning book.

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Available: 101
Mass Market Paperbacks
ISBN 9780440227793
6301 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-10 02:30:02 The Dragon's Scales 1 9780679883814 1  9780679883814_small.jpg 4.99 4.49 Albee, Sarah  2025-03-05 00:00:01 1 true  8.91000 5.99000 0.15000 0.21000 000337898 Random House Books for Young Readers Q Quality Paper Step Into Reading 1998-05-19 48 p. ; BK0003071168 Children's - Kindergarten-3rd Grade, Age 5-8 BKK-3         131 5 1 1 0 ING 9780679883814_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780679883814.jpg 0 Albee, Sarah   2.9 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 0 0
Publisher Summary
When a hot-tempered dragon seizes the local bridge, the people of Berryville are cut off from their supply of strawberries until they can correctly answer three questions related to weight. The adults are stumped, but one very smart little girl saves the day with some facts she learned in school. Full color.

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ISBN 9780679883814
6286 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-10 02:30:02 Earthquake Terror 1 9780140383430 1  9780140383430_small.jpg 7.99 7.19 Kehret, Peg  2025-03-05 00:00:01 1 true  7.70000 5.00000 0.40000 0.25000 000054518 Puffin Books Q Quality Paper Puffin Novel 1998-05-01 144 p. ; BK0003073866 Children's - 3rd-7th Grade, Age 8-12 BK3-7  1998 Kansas William Allen White Children's Book Award
1998 Illinois Rebecca Caudill Young Readers Book Award
1998 New Jersey Garden State Children's Book Award
1998 Tennessee Volunteer State Book Award
1998 New Mexico The Land Of Enchantments Children's Book Award    Black-Eyed Susan Award | Nominee | Grades 4-6 | 1998 - 1999

Virginia Readers Choice Award | Winner | Elementary | 1999

West Virginia Children's Book Award | Winner | Children's | 1998   87 3 4 0 0 ING 9780140383430_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780140383430.jpg 0 Kehret, Peg   4.4 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 7 0
Publisher Summary
After Jonathan's mother breaks her ankle on a family camping trip, Jonathan and his younger sister are left alone on a deserted island. Then a devastating earthquake hits and siblings must fight for their lives.

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Quality Paper
ISBN 9780140383430
6282 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-10 02:30:02 Elephants Swim 1 9780395934890 1  9780395934890_small.jpg 9.99 8.99 Riley, Linda Capus  2025-03-05 00:00:01 1 true  8.30000 9.60000 0.10000 0.35000 000013777 Clarion Books Q Quality Paper Sandpiper Books 1998-10-26 40 p. ; BK0003213308 Children's - Preschool-2nd Grade, Age 4-7 BKP-2            0 0 ING 9780395934890_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780395934890.jpg 0 Riley, Linda Capus   2.1 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 0 0
Publisher Summary
An eye-catching and informative look at how animals behave in water.

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ISBN 9780395934890
6327 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-10 02:30:02 Floating in Space 1 9780064451420 1  9780064451420_small.jpg 8.99 8.09 Branley, Franklyn M.  2025-03-05 00:00:01 1 true  7.11000 9.96000 0.12000 0.28000 000402352 HarperCollins Q Quality Paper Let's-Read-And-Find-Out Science 2 1998-02-01 32 p. ; BK0003077334 Children's - Preschool-3rd Grade, Age 4-8 BKP-3         82 4 4 0 0 ING 9780064451420_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780064451420.jpg 0 Branley, Franklyn M.   4.7 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 53 0
Publisher Summary
Don't jump!If you're on the space shuttle, that is. Astronauts never jump in space. They usually drink out of straws, and they lift tons of equipment as if it were light as air. Find out more in this information-packed voyage into space.

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ISBN 9780064451420
6292 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-10 22:30:01 Frindle 1 9780689818769 1  9780689818769_small.jpg 7.99 7.19 Clements, Andrew  2025-03-05 00:00:01 G true  7.50000 5.00000 0.40000 0.20000 000542007 Atheneum Books for Young Readers Q Quality Paper  1998-02-01 112 p. ; BK0003075927 Children's - 3rd-7th Grade, Age 8-12 BK3-7      Black-Eyed Susan Award | Winner | Grades 4-6 | 1998 - 1999

California Young Reader Medal | Nominee | Intermediate | 2000

Georgia Children's Book Award | Winner | Children's Book | 1999

North Carolina Children's Book Award | Winner | Junior Book | 1999

Nutmeg Book Award | Nominee | Grades 4-6 | 2000

Pennsylvania Young Reader's Choice Award | Winner | Grades 3-6 | 2000

Rebecca Caudill Young Readers Book Award | Winner | Grades 4-8 | 1999

Young Hoosier Book Award | Winner | Grades 4-6 | 1999

Young Reader's Choice Award | Winner | Grades 4-8 | 1999   84 5 4 1 0 ING 9780689818769_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780689818769.jpg 0 Clements, Andrew   5.1 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 6306 0
Publisher Summary
From bestselling and award-winning author Andrew Clements, a quirky, imaginative tale about creative thought and the power of words that will have readers inventing their own words. Is Nick Allen a troublemaker? He really just likes to liven things up

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ISBN 9780689818769
9592 2023-05-25 12:48:47 2025-03-10 02:30:02 Goggles! 1 9780140564402 1  9780140564402_small.jpg 8.99 8.09 Keats, Ezra Jack  2025-03-05 00:00:01    7.80000 8.80000 0.20000 0.30000 000054518 Puffin Books Q Quality Paper Picture Puffin Books 1998-11-01 40 p. ;  Children's - Preschool-2nd Grade, Age 3-7 BKP-2         42 1 1 0 0 ING 9780140564402_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780140564402.jpg 0 Keats, Ezra Jack    In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2023-05-25 12:49:32 0 39 0
Publisher Summary
When Peter and his friend Archie find motorcycle goggles, some bigger boys try to take them away. Full color.

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ISBN 9780140564402
6329 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-10 06:30:01 The Goose's Gold 1 9780679890782 1  9780679890782_small.jpg 6.99 6.29 Roy, Ron  2025-03-05 00:00:01 G true  7.62000 5.16000 0.34000 0.16000 000337898 Random House Books for Young Readers Q Quality Paper A to Z Mysteries 1998-12-29 96 p. ; BK0003214572 Children's - 1st-4th Grade, Age 6-9 BK1-4         69 2 3 0 0 ING 9780679890782_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780679890782.jpg 0 Roy, Ron   3.0 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 15 0
Publisher Summary
When Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose discover an old ship off the Florida coast loaded with gold, they're not sure if they want to share their findings.

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ISBN 9780679890782
6309 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-10 02:30:02 Guinea Pigs Don't Talk 1 9780395928653 1  9780395928653_small.jpg 7.95 7.16 Myers, Laurie  2025-03-05 00:00:01 1 true  8.28000 6.09000 0.25000 0.26000 000030924 Houghton Mifflin Q Quality Paper  1998-09-21 80 p. ; BK0003138705 Children's - 3rd-7th Grade, Age 8-12 BK3-7        INGRAM ONLY

G3 U4 Gr core 69 3 3 0 0 ING 9780395928653_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780395928653.jpg 0 Myers, Laurie   3.3 In print and available 0 0 0 0 1  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 171 0
Publisher Summary
From the first day at a new school, Lisa and her bossy classmate, Angel, begin playing a series of mischievous tricks on each other, with the class guinea pigs as unwitting accomplices, until the teacher steps in.

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ISBN 9780395928653
6195 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-10 02:30:02 Hey, New Kid! 1 9780140384390 1  9780140384390_small.jpg 6.99 6.29 Duffey, Betsy  2025-03-05 00:00:01 1 true  7.60000 5.00000 0.30000 0.20000 000054518 Puffin Books Q Quality Paper Puffin Chapters 1998-06-01 96 p. ; BK0003101622 Children's - 2nd-5th Grade, Age 7-10 BK2-5            0 0 ING 9780140384390_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780140384390.jpg 0 Duffey, Betsy   3.0 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 0 0
Publisher Summary
On the first day of class at his new school, Cody tells his classmates that he's an ace on rollerblades. But when someone throws a skating party, Cody might be caught in his fib!

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ISBN 9780140384390
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