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24 Matches Found
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Avail In Cart Title Author ISBN Format MWFB Qty
3 0 A Grain of Rice Pittman, Helena... 9780440413011 other $7.19
8 0 A Weekend with Wendell Henkes, Kevin 9780688140243 other $8.99
13 0 The Big Green Pocketbook Ransom, Candice F. 9780064433952 other $8.99
253 0 Earthquake!:... Kudlinski, Kathleen... 9780140363906 other $5.39
0 0 Heroes Mochizuki, Ken 9781880000502 other $10.76
0 0 Immigrant Kids Freedman, Russell 9780140375947 other $8.09
197 0 Incident at Hawk's Hill Eckert, Allan W. 9780316209489 other $15.29
139 0 The Iron Dragon Never... Krensky, Stephen 9780440411369 other $5.39
0 0 The Lily Cupboard Oppenheim,... 9780064433938 other $8.99
25 0 Mr. Putter & Tabby Pick... Rylant, Cynthia 9780152002466 other $5.39
47 0 Mr. Tucket Paulsen, Gary 9780440411338 other $7.19
117 0 My Name Is Maria Isabel Ada, Alma Flor 9780689802171 other $5.39
19 0 Nate the Great and the... Sharmat, Marjorie... 9780440410157 other $5.39
75 0 Officer Buckle and Gloria Rathmann, Peggy 9780399226168 hb $17.09
18 0 The Outside Dog Pomerantz, Charlotte 9780064441872 other $5.39
86 0 Shark Lady: True... McGovern, Ann 9780590447713 other $4.49
6 0 The Snow Walker Wetterer, Charles M. 9780876149591 other $7.19
3 0 Snowshoe Thompson:... Levinson, Nancy... 9780064442060 other $5.39
0 0 The Statue of Liberty Penner, Lucille... 9780679869283 other $5.39
81 0 Three Young Pilgrims Harness, Cheryl 9780689802089 other $7.19
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