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17 Matches Found
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9 0 A My Name Is Alice Bayer, Jane E. 9780140546682 other $8.09
0 0 Baseball Ballerina Cristaldi, Kathryn 9780679817345 other $5.39
109 0 The Bears on Hemlock... Dalgliesh, Alice 9780689716041 other $5.39
13 0 The Day Jimmy's Boa Ate... Noble, Trinka Hakes 9780140546231 other $8.09
0 0 Dog Called Kitty Wallace, Bill 9780671770815 other $7.19
14 0 The House on Maple Street Pryor, Bonnie 9780688120313 other $8.99
1 0 In Search of Honor Hess, Donna Lynn 9780890845950 other $8.09
0 0 Journey Home Uchida, Yoshiko 9780689716416 other $7.19
0 0 Marvin Redpost #1:... Sachar, Louis 9780679819462 other $6.29
181 0 Mr. Popper's Penguins... Atwater, Richard 9780316058438 other $8.09
0 0 The Orchestra Rubin, Mark 9780920668993 other $8.96
0 0 Storms Simon, Seymour 9780688117085 other $7.19
90 0 Teammates Golenbock, Peter 9780152842864 other $8.99
4 0 Three Little Javelinas Lowell, Susan 9780873585422 hb $14.36
10 0 Too Much Noise McGovern, Ann 9780395629857 other $8.99
0 0 Will and Orv Schulz, Walter A. 9780876145685 other $8.09
0 0 Windcatcher Avi 9780380718054 other $7.19
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