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7747 2011-05-22 16:00:19 2025-03-28 02:30:03 A Paradise Called Texas 1 9780890155066 1  9780890155066_small.jpg 12.95 11.66 Shefelman, Janice Jordan Recounting her ancestors' struggle to make a way in a new land, the author offers a rich telling of Texas history. 2025-03-26 00:00:03 Q false  8.20000 5.40000 0.50000 0.40000 000019590 Eakin Press Q Quality Paper Texas Trilogy 1987-08-01 126 p. ; BK0000932069 Children's - 4th-7th Grade, Age 9-12 BK4-7            0 0 ING 9780890155066_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780890155066.jpg 1 Shefelman, Janice Jordan   4.5 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 629 0
Make Way for Books
Recounting her ancestors' struggle to make a way in a new land, the author offers a rich telling of Texas history.

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Available: 629
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ISBN 9780890155066
6118 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-28 02:30:03 The Chalk Box Kid 1 9780394891026 1  9780394891026_small.jpg 6.99 6.29 Bulla, Clyde Robert  2025-03-26 00:00:03 G true  7.62000 5.13000 0.21000 0.12000 000055379 Random House Children's Books Q Quality Paper A Stepping Stone Book 1987-09-12 64 p. ; BK0001181441 Children's - 1st-4th Grade, Age 6-9 BK1-4         24 3 18 1 0 ING 9780394891026_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780394891026.jpg 0 Bulla, Clyde Robert   3.0 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 78 0
Publisher Summary
A new neighborhood. A new school. An unhappy birthday. Things aren't looking great for Gregory. But when he discovers an abandoned chalk factory behind his house, something magical happens: a beautiful garden and a quiet friendship spring up within its walls.

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Available: 78
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ISBN 9780394891026
6117 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-28 02:30:03 David and the Giant 1 9780394888675 1  9780394888675_small.jpg 5.99 5.39 Little, Emily  2025-03-26 00:00:03 1 true  8.98000 6.00000 0.16000 0.16000 000337898 Random House Books for Young Readers Q Quality Paper Step Into Reading 1987-10-12 32 p. ; BK0001129917 Children's - Preschool-1st Grade, Age 4-6 BKP-1        Low Discount

G1 U3 Gr Character    0 0 ING 9780394888675_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780394888675.jpg 1 Little, Emily   1.6 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 0 0
Publisher Summary
Armed with only a slingshot--and God's protecting love--little David the shepherd boy does away with the wicked giant, Goliath. A favorite story from the Old Testament told with charming simplicity. A Step Into Reading Book. Full-color illustrations.

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ISBN 9780394888675
6797 2009-07-01 17:16:16 2025-03-28 02:30:03 Fritz and the Beautiful Horses 1 9780395453568 1  9780395453568_small.jpg 9.99 8.99 Brett, Jan  2025-03-26 00:00:03 1 true  8.70000 9.20000 0.20000 0.30000 000013777 Clarion Books Q Quality Paper Sandpiper Books 1987-09-21 32 p. ; BK0001202624 Children's - Preschool-2nd Grade, Age 4-7 BKP-2         29 1 21 0 0 ING 9780395453568_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780395453568.jpg 0 Brett, Jan   3.4 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 0 0
Publisher Summary
Fritz, a pony excluded from the group of beautiful horses within the walled city, becomes a hero when he rescues the children of the city. "Brett has created magnificent paintings that glorify her simple but engaging story".--Publishers Weekly. Full-color illustrations.

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ISBN 9780395453568
6219 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-28 02:30:03 Journey to America 1 9780689711305 1  9780689711305_small.jpg 7.99 7.19 Levitin, Sonia  2025-03-26 00:00:03 1 true  7.60000 5.20000 0.50000 0.25000 000002520 Aladdin Paperbacks Q Quality Paper  1987-04-30 160 p. ; BK0001118242 Children's - 3rd-7th Grade, Age 8-12 BK3-7         99 3 5 0 0 ING 9780689711305_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780689711305.jpg 0 Levitin, Sonia   5.2 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0 1940 1 0 1938 1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 114 0
Publisher Summary
In 1938, Lisa Platt and her family know something dangerous is happening in Germany. Lately, there have been more and more restrictions for Jews: yellow stars they have to wear, schools they cannot attend, things they are forbidden to do. When their neighbors are arrested for petty reasons, the Platts realize they have to escape. Forbidden to bring money or possessions out of the country, Lisa's f ...

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Available: 114
Quality Paper
ISBN 9780689711305
6565 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-28 02:30:03 Julian's Glorious Summer 1 9780394891170 1  9780394891170_small.jpg 6.99 6.29 Cameron, Ann  2025-03-26 00:00:03 1 true  7.58000 5.26000 0.17000 0.11000 000055379 Random House Children's Books Q Quality Paper Julian's World 1987-09-12 80 p. ; BK0006842774 Children's - 1st-4th Grade, Age 6-9 BK1-4            0 0 ING 9780394891170_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780394891170.jpg 1 Cameron, Ann   3.2 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 0 0
Publisher Summary
When his best friend, Gloria, receives a new bicycle, seven-year-old Julian spends the summer avoiding her because of his fear of bikes.

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ISBN 9780394891170
6248 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-28 02:30:03 Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie 1 9780876144541 1  9780876144541_small.jpg 8.99 8.09 Roop, Connie, Roop, Peter  2025-03-26 00:00:03 1 true  8.40000 6.40000 0.13000 0.20000 001045023 First Avenue Editions (Tm) Q Quality Paper On My Own History 1987-04-01 40 p. ; BK0001200747 Children's - 2nd-5th Grade, Age 7-10 BK2-5         51 3 18 1 0 ING 9780876144541_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780876144541.jpg 0 Roop, Connie   2.1 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 44 0
Publisher Summary
In the winter of 1856, a storm delays the lighthouse keeper's return to an island off the coast of Maine, and his daughter Abbie must keep the lights burning by herself. Full-color illustrations.

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Available: 44
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ISBN 9780876144541
6115 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-28 02:30:03 Norma Jean, Jumping Bean 1 9780394886688 1  9780394886688_small.jpg 5.99 5.39 Cole, Joanna  2025-03-26 00:00:03 1 true  9.22000 5.92000 0.14000 0.22000 000337898 Random House Books for Young Readers Q Quality Paper Step Into Reading 1987-04-12 48 p. ; BK0001102228 Children's - Kindergarten-3rd Grade, Age 5-8 BKK-3         41 5 1 1 0 ING 9780394886688_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780394886688.jpg 0 Cole, Joanna   2.5 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 0 0
Publisher Summary
Norma Jean loves to jump, but she doesn't know when to stop! A Step 2 Step into Reading Book. Full-color.

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Quality Paper
ISBN 9780394886688
6061 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-28 02:30:03 Rifles for Watie 1 9780064470308 1  9780064470308_small.jpg 15.99 14.39 Keith, Harold  2025-03-26 00:00:03 1 true  6.90000 4.20000 0.90000 0.35000 000402352 HarperCollins P Mass Market Paperbacks  1987-09-25 352 p. ; BK0001208417 Teen - 8th Grade+, Age 13+ BK8+      Newbery Medal | Winner | Children's | 1958   120 3 6 1 0 ING 9780064470308_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780064470308.jpg 0 Keith, Harold   6.1 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0 1850 1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 4 0
Publisher Summary
"This full-length junior novel should hold a place with the best Civil War fiction for young people. The fighting takes place in the West. . . . A young farm boy joins the Union forces, becomes a scout . . . There is suspense in the telling and many a colorful character".--The Horn Book.

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Available: 4
Mass Market Paperbacks
ISBN 9780064470308
6148 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-28 02:30:03 The Story of Jackie Robinson: Bravest Man in Baseball 1 9780440400196 1  9780440400196_small.jpg 6.99 6.29 Davidson, Margaret  2025-03-26 00:00:03 P true  7.63000 5.12000 0.25000 0.16000 000055379 Random House Children's Books Q Quality Paper Dell Yearling Biography 1987-12-01 96 p. ; BK0024284009 Not Applicable NA        LOW DISCOUNT    0 0 ING 9780440400196_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780440400196.jpg 0 Davidson, Margaret   4.2 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0 1945 1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 0 0
Publisher Summary
The first black man to play professional baseball, Jackie Robinson helped break down walls of segregation in many walks of life. His biography is the story of one man's struggle to overcome great odds through hard work, skill and courage.

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Quality Paper
ISBN 9780440400196
9109 2018-04-12 15:07:26 2025-03-28 22:30:03 There's an Alligator Under My Bed 1 9780803703742 1  9780803703742_small.jpg 18.99 17.09 Mayer, Mercer  2025-03-26 00:00:03 R true  10.91000 8.70000 0.36000 0.80000 000017917 Dial Books R Hardcover There's Something in My Room 1987-03-30 32 p. ; BK0001155345 Children's - Preschool-3rd Grade, Age 4-8 BKP-3      Florida Children's Book Award | Winner | Pre K - 2nd Grade | 1990      0 0 ING 9780803703742_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780803703742.jpg 0 Mayer, Mercer    In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2018-04-12 15:11:27 0 42 0
Publisher Summary
The There's a Nightmare In My Closet, bringing back that story's imaginative young hero for an even funnier nighttime adventure. Full-color illustrations.

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Available: 42
ISBN 9780803703742
6116 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-28 02:30:03 The Titanic: Lost and Found 1 9780394886695 1  9780394886695_small.jpg 5.99 5.39 Donnelly, Judy  2025-03-26 00:00:03 G true  9.04000 6.08000 0.15000 0.22000 000337898 Random House Books for Young Readers Q Quality Paper Step Into Reading 1987-04-12 48 p. ; BK0001117982 Children's - 2nd-4th Grade, Age 7-9 BK2-4         68 2 3 1 0 ING 9780394886695_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780394886695.jpg 0 Donnelly, Judy   2.8 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 0 0
Publisher Summary
"Exciting nonfiction books for kids just beyond the beginner stage can be hard to come by, and the story of the sinking of the "Titanic" and its subsequent rediscovery will be the ticket for both hard-to-please young 'real stuff' buffs and older reluctant readers."--"School Library Journal." Full color.

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Quality Paper
ISBN 9780394886695
6315 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-28 02:30:03 Trouble for Lucy 1 9780899195230 1  9780899195230_small.jpg 7.95 7.16 Stevens, Carla, Himler, Ronald  2025-03-26 00:00:03 1 true  6.00000 8.80000 0.40000 0.30000 000013777 Clarion Books Q Quality Paper  1987-10-19 80 p. ; BK0001202655 Children's - 5th-7th Grade, Age 10-12 BK5-7         67 4 3 0 0 ING 9780899195230_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780899195230.jpg 0 Stevens, Carla   4.1 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0 1843 1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 183 0
Publisher Summary
Lucy's frisky little puppy, Finn, gets into one scrape after another as Lucy and her family travel westward to Oregon by wagon train in 1843.

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Available: 183
Quality Paper
ISBN 9780899195230
6160 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-28 22:30:03 The Wolves of Willoughby Chase 1 9780440496038 1  9780440496038_small.jpg 7.99 7.19 Aiken, Joan  2025-03-26 00:00:03 P true  7.60000 5.10000 0.60000 0.30000 000073171 Yearling Books Q Quality Paper Wolves Chronicles 1987-10-01 181 p. ; BK0009524772 Children's - 3rd-7th Grade, Age 8-12 BK3-7         100 5 5 1 0 ING 9780440496038_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780440496038.jpg 0 Aiken, Joan   6.6 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 41 0
Publisher Summary
In this chilling beginning to The Wolves Chronicles, two little cousins are left in the care of an evil governess. They escape and travel 400 miles to London with their friend Simon and his geese. Lewis Carroll Shelf Award.

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Available: 41
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ISBN 9780440496038
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