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31 Matches Found
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Avail In Cart Title Author ISBN Format MWFB Qty
106 0 The Bears on Hemlock... Dalgliesh, Alice 9780689716041 other $5.39
131 0 Beezus and Ramona Cleary, Beverly 9780380709182 other $8.99
19 0 Cloudy with a Chance of... Barrett, Judi 9780689707490 other $8.09
168 0 Eagle Feather Bulla, Clyde Robert 9780140367300 other $6.29
42 0 Elmer McKee, David 9780688091712 hb $16.19
0 0 Fletcher and the... Rawlinson, Julia 9780061688560 other $8.99
0 0 Follow My Leader Garfield, James B. 9780140364859 other $8.09
104 0 Freedom Crossing Clark, Margaret Goff 9780590445696 other $5.59
221 0 Hannah Whelan, Gloria 9780679826989 other $5.39
0 0 I Am Jax, Protector of... Stier, Catherine 9780807516713 other $6.29
2 0 Joe and Sparky,... Michalak, Jamie 9780763666422 other $5.39
114 0 Journey to America Levitin, Sonia 9780689711305 other $7.19
9 0 Leroy Ninker Saddles Up:... DiCamillo, Kate 9780763680121 other $6.29
41 0 Lost in the Barrens Mowat, Farley 9780553275254 other $7.19
0 0 The Master Puppeteer: A... Paterson, Katherine 9780064402811 other $6.64
0 0 Mice of the Herring Bone Davis, Tim 9780890846261 other $8.09
1 0 Mice of the Seven Seas Davis, Tim 9780890848456 other $8.09
15 0 The Minstrel in the Tower Skurzynski, Gloria 9780394895987 other $6.29
0 0 Mitchell Is Moving:... Sharmat, Marjorie... 9780689808760 other $4.49
0 0 My New Boy Phillips, Joan 9780394882772 other $5.39
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