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6132 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-16 02:30:02 Apple Is My Sign 1 9780395657478 1  9780395657478_small.jpg 10.95 9.86 Howell, Troy, Riskind, Mary  2025-03-12 00:00:01 1 true  7.66000 5.22000 0.43000 0.36000 000013777 Clarion Books Q Quality Paper Sandpiper Houghton Mifflin Books 1993-03-29 160 p. ; BK0002267966 Children's - 5th-7th Grade, Age 10-12 BK5-7         85 2 4 0 0 ING 9780395657478_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780395657478.jpg 0 Howell, Troy   4.5 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 204 0
Publisher Summary
A ten-year-old boy returns to his parents' apple farm for the holidays after his first term at a school for the deaf in Philadelphia.

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Available: 204
Quality Paper
ISBN 9780395657478
9286 2021-09-17 08:52:54 2025-03-16 02:30:02 Chester and Gus 1 9780062330697 1  9780062330697_small.jpg 9.99 8.99 McGovern, Cammie This complex exploration of communication unfolds through the dog's narration. The author imagines what an earnest dog may have said to help his autistic person understand and to encourage him to respond with a spoken word. We, readers, begin to grasp the intracacies of intuition and inference, and the frustrations of misunderstandings. Well-meaning parents and teachers miss the big picture when only Chester, the dog, seems to grasp as the boy-dog bond grows. Readers get to peek through the window of autism and witness what may be a daily struggle with hyper-stimulation, learning, and peacefulness. Informative and moving.
 2025-03-12 00:00:01    7.50000 5.10000 0.60000 0.40000 000402352 HarperCollins Q Quality Paper  2018-03-13 272 p. ;  Children's - 3rd-7th Grade, Age 8-12 BK3-7         89 2 4 1 0 ING 9780062330697_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780062330697.jpg 0 McGovern, Cammie   4.2 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1  0 6 0
Make Way for Books
This complex exploration of communication unfolds through the dog's narration. The author imagines what an earnest dog may have said to help his autistic person understand and to encourage him to respond with a spoken word. We, readers, begin to grasp the intracacies of intuition and inference, and the frustrations of misunderstandings. Well-meaning parents and teachers miss the big picture when o ...

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Available: 6
Quality Paper
ISBN 9780062330697
6070 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-16 02:30:02 Follow My Leader 1 9780140364859 1  9780140364859_small.jpg 8.99 8.09 Garfield, James B.  2025-03-12 00:00:01 1 true  7.70000 5.10000 0.60000 0.30000 000054518 Puffin Books Q Quality Paper  1994-12-01 192 p. ; BK0002469636 Children's - 3rd-7th Grade, Age 8-12 BK3-7            0 0 ING 9780140364859_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780140364859.jpg 0 Garfield, James B.   4.8 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 0 0
Publisher Summary
After Jimmy is blinded in an accident with a firecracker, he has to relearn all the things he used to know. With the help of a determined therapist, he learns to read Braille and to use a cane. Then he's given the chance to have a guide dog. Learning to work with Leader is not easy, but Jimmy tries harder than he ever has before.

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ISBN 9780140364859
6200 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-16 02:30:02 Hannah 1 9780679826989 1  9780679826989_small.jpg 5.99 5.39 Whelan, Gloria  2025-03-12 00:00:01 G true  7.74000 5.48000 0.17000 0.11000 001274950 Rh Childrens Books Q Quality Paper A Stepping Stone Book 1993-04-19 64 p. ; BK0002168869 Children's - 2nd-5th Grade, Age 7-10 BK2-5            0 0 ING 9780679826989_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780679826989.jpg 0 Whelan, Gloria   3.7 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 221 0
Publisher Summary
Since its first publication in 1991, Hannah has been hailed by critics, including the Nat'l Federation of the Blind, as one of the few fine children's books dealing with blindness. It's 1887, and nine-year-old Hannah in confined to her house--until a new teacher comes to town. IRA Teachers' Choice.

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Available: 221
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ISBN 9780679826989
9654 2024-01-18 11:06:02 2025-03-16 02:30:02 Helen Keller: Courage in the Dark 1 9780679877059 1  9780679877059_small.jpg 5.99 5.39 Hurwitz, Johanna The power of courage and hope transcended Helen's disability. This concise but rich retelling of Helen's life shows that growth and overcoming is possible through resilience, and this is evidenced first by Helen's parents, her teacher Annie, and then another teacher Sarah who believed Helen could accomplish even more. Well-written for young readers. 2025-03-12 00:00:01    9.00000 6.04000 0.15000 0.23000 000055379 Random House Children's Books Q Quality Paper Step Into Reading 1997-11-11 48 p. ;  Children's - 2nd-4th Grade, Age 7-9 BK2-4         45 5 1 0 0 ING 9780679877059_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780679877059.jpg 0 Hurwitz, Johanna   3.4 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2024-01-18 11:06:59 0 3 0
Make Way for Books
The power of courage and hope transcended Helen's disability. This concise but rich retelling of Helen's life shows that growth and overcoming is possible through resilience, and this is evidenced first by Helen's parents, her teacher Annie, and then another teacher Sarah who believed Helen could accomplish even more. Well-written for young readers.

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Available: 3
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ISBN 9780679877059
9338 2021-09-17 08:52:54 2025-03-16 02:30:02 I Talk Like a River 1 9780823445592 1  9780823445592_small.jpg 18.99 17.09 Scott, Jordan  2025-03-12 00:00:01    10.10000 9.10000 0.40000 1.00000 000463189 Neal Porter Books R Hardcover  2020-09-01 40 p. ;  Children's - Preschool-3rd Grade, Age 4-8 BKP-3  Schneider Family Book Award 2021; Boston Globe Horn Book Award Winner 2021    Boston Globe-Horn Book Awards | Winner | Picture Book | 2021

Odyssey Award for Excellence in Audiobook Production | Honor Book | Audiobook | 2022

Schneider Family Book Award | Winner | Children's | 2021   138 1 5 1 0 ING 9780823445592_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780823445592.jpg 0 Scott, Jordan   2.8 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1  0 41 0
Publisher Summary
Winner of the Schneider Family Book AwardBoston Globe-Horn Book Award Winner What if words got stuck in the back of your mouth whenever you tried to speak? What if they never came out the way you wanted them to? Sometimes it takes a change of perspective to get the words flowing. A New York Times Best Children's Book of the Year I wake up each morning with the sounds of words all around me. And ...

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Available: 41
ISBN 9780823445592
9675 2024-04-19 12:48:31 2025-03-16 02:30:02 Listen: How Evelyn Glennie, a Deaf Girl, Changed Percussion 1 9780593109694 1  9780593109694_small.jpg 18.99 17.09 Stocker, Shannon This thoughtful presentation highlights both the perceptive approach her music teacher took to understand Glennie's passion and open avenues of unheard-of possibility, and Glennie's same creative spirit that shaped her formative years. Her resilience led her to figure out ways to convincingly show what had not yet been done, could be done. An inspiring for young readers and teachers as well. 2025-03-12 00:00:01    10.70000 9.20000 0.50000 1.05000 000017917 Dial Books R Hardcover  2022-04-12 40 p. ;  Children's - Preschool-3rd Grade, Age 4-8 BKP-3      Schneider Family Book Award | Winner | Children's | 2023   70 1 3 0 0 ING 9780593109694_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780593109694.jpg 0 Stocker, Shannon    In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2024-04-19 13:04:32 0 112 0
Make Way for Books
This thoughtful presentation highlights both the perceptive approach her music teacher took to understand Glennie's passion and open avenues of unheard-of possibility, and Glennie's same creative spirit that shaped her formative years. Her resilience led her to figure out ways to convincingly show what had not yet been done, could be done. An inspiring for young readers and teachers as well.

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Available: 112
ISBN 9780593109694
6632 2009-07-01 17:16:16 2025-03-16 02:30:02 Loser 1 9780060540746 1  9780060540746_small.jpg 7.99 7.19 Spinelli, Jerry  2025-03-12 00:00:01 G true  7.63000 5.13000 0.56000 0.35000 000402352 HarperCollins Q Quality Paper  2018-05-01 218 p. ; BK0004147091 Children's - 3rd-7th Grade, Age 8-12 BK3-7      Nutmeg Book Award | Nominee | Grades 4-6 | 2005      0 0 ING 9780060540746_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780060540746.jpg 1 Spinelli, Jerry   4.9 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 673 0
Publisher Summary
Donald Zinkoff is one of the greatest kids you could ever hope to meet. He laughs easily, he likes people, he loves school, he tries to rescue lost girls in blizzards, he talks to old ladies. The only problem is, he's a loser.

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Available: 673
Quality Paper
ISBN 9780060540746
6185 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-16 02:30:02 Louis Braille: The Boy Who Invented Books for the Blind 1 9780590443500 1  9780590443500_small.jpg 7.99 7.19 Davidson, Margaret  2025-03-12 00:00:01 1 true  6.76000 5.30000 0.19000 0.17000 000219102 Scholastic Paperbacks Q Quality Paper  1991-06-01 80 p. ; BK0006819001 Children's - 2nd-5th Grade, Age 7-10 BK2-5         70 4 3 1 0 ING 9780590443500_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780590443500.jpg 0 Davidson, Margaret   3.9 Temporarily out of stock because publisher cannot supply 0 0 0 0 0 1830 1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 0 0
Publisher Summary
A poignant story of the man who developed the Braille system of printing for the blind.

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ISBN 9780590443500
7517 2010-07-22 08:21:20 2025-03-16 02:30:02 Mockingbird 1 9780142417751 1  9780142417751_small.jpg 8.99 8.09 Erskine, Kathryn  2025-03-12 00:00:01 G true  7.60000 5.00000 0.70000 0.44000 000501060 Penguin Young Readers Group Q Quality Paper  2011-02-03 256 p. ; BK0008807690 Children's - 5th Grade+, Age 10+ BK5+  National Book Award Winner 2010    Golden Kite | Honor Book | Fiction | 2011

National Book Awards | Winner | Young People's Lit. | 2010      0 0 ING 9780142417751_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780142417751.jpg 0 Erskine, Kathryn   4.2 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 31 0
Publisher Summary
In Caitlin's world, everything is black or white. Anything in between is confusing. That's how Caitlin's older brother, Devon, always explained it. But now Devon's dead. Caitlin wants to get over it, but as an 11-year-old girl with Asperger's, she doesn't know how.

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Available: 31
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ISBN 9780142417751
6334 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-16 02:30:02 Out of Darkness: The Story of Louis Braille 1 9780395968888 1  9780395968888_small.jpg 11.99 10.79 Freedman, Russell  2025-03-12 00:00:01 1 true  8.99000 6.01000 0.22000 0.36000 000013777 Clarion Books Q Quality Paper  1999-09-20 81 p. ; BK0003326922 Children's - 5th-7th Grade, Age 10-12 BK5-7      Young Hoosier Book Award | Nominee | Grades 4-6 | 2000   107 4 5 0 0 ING 9780395968888_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780395968888.jpg 0 Freedman, Russell   6.7 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0 1830 1 0 1824 1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 7 0
Publisher Summary
A biography of the modest Frenchman who, after being blinded at the age of three, went on to develop a system of raised dots on paper that enabled blind people to read and write.

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Available: 7
Quality Paper
ISBN 9780395968888
8110 2014-06-16 09:01:28 2025-03-16 02:30:02 Out of My Mind (Reprint) 1 9781416971719 1  9781416971719_small.jpg 9.99 8.99 Draper, Sharon M.  2025-03-12 00:00:01 G true  7.60000 5.10000 1.00000 0.50000 000542007 Atheneum Books for Young Readers Q Quality Paper Out of My Mind 2012-05-01 320 p. ; BK0009712214 Teen - 5th-8th Grade, Age 10-13 BK5-8      Maud Hart Lovelace Book Award | Second Place | Grades 3-5 | 2014      0 0 ING 9781416971719_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9781416971719.jpg 0 Draper, Sharon M.   4.3 Temporarily out of stock because publisher cannot supply 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 198 0
Publisher Summary
From a multiple Coretta Scott King Award-winning author comes the story of a brilliant girl that no one knows about because she cannot speak or write. "If there is one book teens and parents (and everyone else) should read this year, "Out of My Mind" should be it.O--"Denver Post."

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Available: 198
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ISBN 9781416971719
8425 2015-07-27 13:13:39 2025-03-16 02:30:02 The Pinballs 1 9780064401982 1  9780064401982_small.jpg 8.99 8.09 Byars, Betsy  2025-03-12 00:00:01 1 true  7.68000 5.22000 0.32000 0.23000 000402352 HarperCollins Q Quality Paper Apple Paperbacks 2004-08-10 144 p. ; BK0001177022 Children's - 3rd-7th Grade, Age 8-12 BK3-7      Georgia Children's Book Award | Winner | Children's Book | 1979  Added for St Paul's    0 0 ING 9780064401982_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780064401982.jpg 0 Byars, Betsy    In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 1  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 18 0
Publisher Summary
Winner of multiple awards, this novel follows three lonely foster children asthey learn to care about themselves and each other.

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Available: 18
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ISBN 9780064401982
7484 2010-07-10 15:53:53 2025-03-16 02:30:02 The Printer 1 9781561454839 1  9781561454839_small.jpg 8.99 8.09 Uhlberg, Myron  2025-03-12 00:00:01 M true  10.80000 9.30000 0.30000 0.45000 000051306 Peachtree Publishers Q Quality Paper  2009-03-03 32 p. ; BK0007976298 Children's - Preschool-3rd Grade, Age 4-8 BKP-3    Character        0 0 ING 9781561454839_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9781561454839.jpg 1 Uhlberg, Myron   3.8 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 0 0
Publisher Summary
A young boy tells the story of his deaf father who loved working as a printer for a major newspaper but was saddened by the fact that his hearing coworkers ignored him because he couldn't talk.--"School Library Journal." Full color.

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ISBN 9781561454839
7543 2010-11-20 13:50:23 2025-03-16 02:30:02 She Touched the World: Laura Bridgman, Deaf-Blind Pioneer 1 9780618852994 1  9780618852994_small.jpg 18.99 17.09 Alexander, Sally Hobart, Alexander, Robert  2025-03-12 00:00:01 7 true  10.20000 8.36000 0.52000 1.20000 000013777 Clarion Books R Hardcover  2008-02-18 112 p. ; BK0007507842 Children's - 5th-7th Grade, Age 10-12 BK5-7      Capitol Choices: Noteworthy Books for Children and Teens | Recommended | Ten to Fourteen | 2009      0 0 ING 9780618852994_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780618852994.jpg 0 Alexander, Sally Hobart   6.9 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0 1859 1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 0 0

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Available: 0
ISBN 9780618852994
8559 2016-02-19 12:41:43 2025-03-16 02:30:02 Tough Boris 1 9780152018917 1  9780152018917_small.jpg 7.99 7.19 Fox, Mem This layered story will impact different ages differently. The storyline conveys the gruffness expected from a pirate and his mates, while a repetitive pattern incorporates rich descriptors of pirate life. But when pirate Boris suffers loss, illustrations convey deep sadness even a tough character can feel, and readers understand the importance comforting companions offer. 2025-03-12 00:00:01 G true  10.03000 9.12000 0.11000 0.34000 000013777 Clarion Books Q Quality Paper  1998-09-01 32 p. ; BK0003152662 Children's - Preschool-2nd Grade, Age 4-7 BKP-2            0 0 ING 9780152018917_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780152018917.jpg 0 Fox, Mem    In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 12 0
Make Way for Books
This layered story will impact different ages differently. The storyline conveys the gruffness expected from a pirate and his mates, while a repetitive pattern incorporates rich descriptors of pirate life. But when pirate Boris suffers loss, illustrations convey deep sadness even a tough character can feel, and readers understand the importance comforting companions offer.

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Available: 12
Quality Paper
ISBN 9780152018917
6103 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-03-16 02:30:02 The Trouble with Tuck: The Inspiring Story of a Dog Who Triumphs Against All Odds 1 9780440416968 1  9780440416968_small.jpg 7.99 7.19 Taylor, Theodore  2025-03-12 00:00:01 P true  7.60000 5.09000 0.37000 0.20000 000055379 Random House Children's Books Q Quality Paper  2000-05-09 128 p. ; BK0006189003 Not Applicable NA         100 3 5 0 0 ING 9780440416968_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780440416968.jpg 0 Taylor, Theodore   4.8 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 23 0
Publisher Summary
In this classic, inspiring story based on true events, a girl's loyal Labrador goes blind. Helping him cope becomes the focus of Helen's life. Together they fight the chain that holds him and threatens to break his spirit, until Helen comes up with a solution so new, so daring, there's no way it can fail.

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ISBN 9780440416968
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