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11 Matches Found
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Avail In Cart Title Author ISBN Format MWFB Qty
16 0 Apples to Oregon: Being... Hopkinson, Deborah 9781416967460 other $8.09
0 0 Fannie in the Kitchen:... Hopkinson, Deborah 9780689869976 other $8.09
14 0 The House on Maple Street Pryor, Bonnie 9780688120313 other $8.99
0 0 Lincoln and His Boys Wells, Rosemary 9780763637231 hb $15.29
72 0 Moses: When Harriet... Weatherford, Carole... 9780786851751 hb $17.09
0 0 My Brother Abe: Sally... Mazer, Harry 9781416938941 other $5.39
56 0 Salt in His Shoes:... Jordan, Deloris 9780689834196 other $8.09
0 0 Shadow of His Hand: A... Lawton, Wendy 9780802440747 other $8.09
5 0 Snowshoe Thompson:... Levinson, Nancy... 9780064442060 other $5.39
175 0 Squanto's Journey: The... Bruchac, Joseph 9780152060442 other $8.99
219 0 Tomas and the Library... Mora, Pat 9780375803499 other $8.09
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