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7653 2011-04-22 13:47:35 2025-02-22 02:30:03 The Door in the Wall 1 9780440227793 1  9780440227793_small.jpg 7.99 7.19 De Angeli, Marguerite A fascinating journey to the Middle Ages through this Newbery Award-winning book. 2025-02-19 00:00:03 P true  6.70000 4.10000 0.40000 0.15000 000038825 Laurel Leaf Library P Mass Market Paperbacks  1998-08-10 120 p. ; BK0017413045 Children's - 7th Grade+, Age 12+ BK7+  1950 Newbery Award    Newbery Medal | Winner | Children's | 1950   113 3 6 0 0 ING 9780440227793_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780440227793.jpg 1 De Angeli, Marguerite   6.2 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 108 0
Make Way for Books
A fascinating journey to the Middle Ages through this Newbery Award-winning book.

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Available: 108
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ISBN 9780440227793
6412 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-02-22 02:30:03 The Hobbit: The Enchanting Prelude to the Lord of the Rings 1 9780345339683 1  9780345339683_small.jpg 8.99 8.09 Tolkien, J. R. R.  2025-02-19 00:00:03 P true  6.80000 4.10000 0.90000 0.35000 000199652 Del Rey Books P Mass Market Paperbacks Pre-Lord of the Rings 1986-07-12 320 p. ; BK0011485526 Teen - 7th-12th Grade, Age 12-17 BK7-12        moved from adv to adv plus due to length 145 5 27 0 0 ING 9780345339683_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780345339683.jpg 0 Tolkien, J. R. R.   7.4 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 222 0
Publisher Summary
Whisked away from his comfortable, unambitious life in his hobbit-hole by Gandalf the wizard and a company of dwarves, Bilbo Baggins finds himself caught up in a plot to raid the treasure hoard of Smaug the Magnificent, a large and very dangerous dragon.

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ISBN 9780345339683
9239 2020-02-24 08:05:47 2025-02-22 02:30:03 Out of the Dust: Novel 1 9780590371254 1  9780590371254_small.jpg 8.99 8.09 Hesse, Karen  2025-02-19 00:00:03    7.50000 5.20000 0.70000 0.38000 000059219 Scholastic Q Quality Paper Perfection Learning 1998-12-01 256 p. ;  Teen - 7th Grade-College Freshman, Age 12-18 BK7-13      Buckeye Children's Book Award | Nominee | Grades 6-8 | 2001

Virginia Readers Choice Award | Nominee | Middle School | 2001      0 0 ING 9780590371254_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780590371254.jpg 0 Hesse, Karen  7.99  In print and available 0 0 0 0 0 1929 1 0  1 2024-06-10 16:08:49 0 133 0
Publisher Summary
A poem cycle that reads as a novel, this Newbery Medal winner tells the story of Billie Jo, a girl who struggles to help her family survive the dust bowl years of the Depression.

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Available: 133
Quality Paper
ISBN 9780590371254
6061 2009-07-01 17:16:15 2025-02-22 02:30:03 Rifles for Watie 1 9780064470308 1  9780064470308_small.jpg 15.99 14.39 Keith, Harold  2025-02-19 00:00:03 1 true  6.90000 4.20000 0.90000 0.35000 000402352 HarperCollins P Mass Market Paperbacks  1987-09-25 352 p. ; BK0001208417 Teen - 8th Grade+, Age 13+ BK8+      Newbery Medal | Winner | Children's | 1958   120 3 6 1 0 ING 9780064470308_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780064470308.jpg 0 Keith, Harold   6.1 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0 1850 1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 2 0
Publisher Summary
"This full-length junior novel should hold a place with the best Civil War fiction for young people. The fighting takes place in the West. . . . A young farm boy joins the Union forces, becomes a scout . . . There is suspense in the telling and many a colorful character".--The Horn Book.

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ISBN 9780064470308
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