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8093 2014-06-07 12:10:07 2024-12-21 02:30:01 Children of the Dust Bowl: The True Story of the School at Weedpatch Camp 1 9780517880944 1  9780517880944_small.jpg 10.99 9.89 Stanley, Jerry  2024-12-18 00:00:02 1 true  9.17000 8.02000 0.35000 0.65000 000073171 Yearling Books Q Quality Paper  1993-07-13 96 p. ; BK0002347764 Children's - 3rd-7th Grade, Age 8-12 BK3-7         117 3 6 1 0 ING 9780517880944_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780517880944.jpg 1 Stanley, Jerry   6.7 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0 1932 1 0  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 0 0
Publisher Summary
Illus. with photographs from the Dust Bowl era. This true story took place at the emergency farm-labor camp immortalized in Steinbeck's "The Grapes of Wrath. Ostracized as "dumb Okies," the children of Dust Bowl migrant laborers went without school--until Superintendent Leo Hart and 50 Okie kids built their own school in a nearby field.

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ISBN 9780517880944
8375 2015-05-01 13:54:19 2024-12-21 02:30:01 What Is Citizenship? 1 9781467786232 1  9781467786232_small.jpg 6.99 6.29 Boothroyd, Jennifer  2024-12-18 00:00:02 X true  6.80000 5.90000 0.40000 0.25000 000330117 Lerner Classroom Q Quality Paper First Step Nonfiction -- Exploring Government 2015-08-01 24 p. ; BK0016629819 Children's - Kindergarten-3rd Grade, Age 5-8 BKK-3            0 0 ING 9781467786232_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9781467786232.jpg 0 Boothroyd, Jennifer    In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 1  1 2016-06-15 14:41:25 0 0 0
Publisher Summary
What is a citizen? How does someone become a citizen? What does it mean to be a responsible citizen? Accessible text and explanatory photos help students understand the key concepts of how to be a good citizen in their communities.

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ISBN 9781467786232
9445 2021-09-17 08:52:54 2024-12-21 02:30:01 What Was Ellis Island? 1 9780448479156 1  9780448479156_small.jpg 7.99 7.19 Demuth, Patricia Brennan, Who Hq With remarkable and fascinating detail, this fast-paced book reveals the unfolding of D-Day. Related background is clearly explained, enabling readers to understand and appreciate the significance of this historic event.
 2024-12-18 00:00:02    7.71000 5.36000 0.28000 0.31000 000977131 Penguin Workshop Q Quality Paper What Was? 2014-03-13 112 p. ;  Children's - 3rd-6th Grade, Age 8-11 BK3-6         112 2 6 1 0 ING 9780448479156_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9780448479156.jpg 0 Demuth, Patricia Brennan   5.5 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1  0 0 0
Make Way for Books
With remarkable and fascinating detail, this fast-paced book reveals the unfolding of D-Day. Related background is clearly explained, enabling readers to understand and appreciate the significance of this historic event.

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ISBN 9780448479156
9453 2021-09-17 08:52:54 2024-12-21 02:30:01 What Were the Roaring Twenties? 1 9781524786380 1  9781524786380_small.jpg 7.99 7.19 Mortlock, Michele, Who Hq A time of extraordinary changes in almost every realm, the 1920's roared nothing less than cultural transformation. Following the major areas that influenced and were influenced by the era, the book introduces young readers to an era of seismic shifts that ended with a spectacular crash.
 2024-12-18 00:00:02    7.40000 5.30000 0.40000 0.30000 000501060 Penguin Young Readers Group Q Quality Paper What Was? 2018-10-16 112 p. ;  Children's - 3rd-6th Grade, Age 8-11 BK3-6            0 0 ING 9781524786380_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9781524786380.jpg 0 Mortlock, Michele   6.4 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0 1926 1 0 1921 1  0 4 0
Make Way for Books
A time of extraordinary changes in almost every realm, the 1920's roared nothing less than cultural transformation. Following the major areas that influenced and were influenced by the era, the book introduces young readers to an era of seismic shifts that ended with a spectacular crash.

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ISBN 9781524786380
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