Moonlight is really sunlight!Did you know that the moon doesn't make its own light? Instead, it receives light from the sun and reflects it to us on the Earth. Read and find out about how the sun, the stars and light bulbs make light so we can see.Did you know that moonlight is really sunlight? The moon can't make its own light, so it receives light from the sun and then sends it to us here on the ...
Read and find out about one of nature's most mysterious forces--the earthquake. Some earthquakes are so small that you don't even feel them, while others can make even big buildings shake! Learn why earthquakes happen, where they are most likely to occur, and what to do if one happens near you.
Did you know that lightning bolts can be over a mile long? Or that they may come from clouds that are ten miles high? Storms can be scary, but not if you know what causes them. Before the next thunderstorm, grab this book by veteran science team Franklyn Branley and True Kelley and learn what causes the flash, crash, rumble, and roll of thunderstorms!
Don't jump!If you're on the space shuttle, that is. Astronauts never jump in space. They usually drink out of straws, and they lift tons of equipment as if it were light as air. Find out more in this information-packed voyage into space.
The sun shines down on us, giving warmth and light. But did you know that the sun also makes the seasons? As the earth makes one complete rotation around the sun every year, the seasons on the earth change -- from winter to spring to summer to fall and back to winter again. Find out how the light from the sun affects life on the earth for all living things in this look at the only star in our sola ...
In a clear and nonthreatening way, Franklyn M. Branley discusses where, when, and how a tornado develops and what happens during one, and outlines measuresreaders can take to keep themselves safe if caught near one.
Why does a magnet pick up a paper clip but not a leaf or a penny? How can the whole world be a magnet? Follow the step-by-step instructions about how to make your own magnet, and then find out for yourself what makes a magnet!
The veteran science team of Branley and Kelley lets readers see what they would experience if they could walk on the moon. The "Find Out More" page show readers how to make their own moon crater and try other moon activities. Color illustrations.