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9174 2018-07-05 14:20:21 2025-03-03 10:34:24 SPECS Log: Early Childhood Bk 1 1 4510_EC1 0000 1  4530_EC1 0000.jpg  22.25 Cheryl Blackmon, Ed.D. AVAILABLE TO CERTIFIED FOUNDATIONS & FRAMEWORKS TEACHERS ONLY

This Early Childhood Format SPECS Log includes developmentally appropriate templates of visual tools and vocabulary pages that will be an asset to any Foundations & Frameworks first grade and most kindergarten classrooms. The large 11X17 size with perforated pages and the spiral located horizontally across the top of the book allow students to easily record their thinking on visual tool templates.

This edition is organized according to the first grade unit sequence listed in the Foundations & Frameworks Toolbox and contains Units 1-5. NOTE: This edition is sold as a set that contains Book One and Book Two. (i.e., each student will require one set per year.) 

 Current edition 2022; non-returnable item.                               1 OTH 4530_EC1 0000_medium.jpg 0 4530_EC1 0000_120.jpg 0 Cheryl Blackmon, Ed.D. 140    0 0 0 0 0  1 0  0  0  0
Make Way for Books
AVAILABLE TO CERTIFIED FOUNDATIONS & FRAMEWORKS TEACHERS ONLY This Early Childhood Format SPECS Log includes developmentally appropriate templates of visual tools and vocabulary pages that will be an asset to any Foundations & Frameworks first grade and most kindergarten classrooms. The large 11X17 size with perforated pages and the spiral located horizontally across the top of the book allow ...

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Available: 140

ISBN 4510_EC1 0000
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