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8846 2017-01-19 15:52:32 2024-09-21 02:30:03 The Man with the Violin 1 9781554515646 1  9781554515646_small.jpg 9.95 8.96 Stinson, Kathy This is a thoughtful story that challenges readers to attend to everyday surroundings, to not be so rushed that something beautiful may be missed. Life is too short not to pay attention. A great story with minimal color that dances like the little boy's wonder.  2024-09-18 00:00:05 1 true  7.80000 9.80000 0.30000 0.30000 000004239 Annick Press Q Quality Paper  2016-03-22 32 p. ; BK0017689481 Children's - Kindergarten-3rd Grade, Age 5-8 BKK-3            0 0 ING 9781554515646_medium.jpg 0 resize_120_9781554515646.jpg 0 Stinson, Kathy   2.8 In print and available 0 0 0 0 0  1 0  1 2017-01-19 16:09:08 0 8 0
Make Way for Books
This is a thoughtful story that challenges readers to attend to everyday surroundings, to not be so rushed that something beautiful may be missed. Life is too short not to pay attention. A great story with minimal color that dances like the little boy's wonder.

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Quality Paper
ISBN 9781554515646
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