Make Way for Books
An enjoyable book about the various careers in forestry. Students are given a glimpse into the scientific jobs involving trees and the wild.
Fromt the publisher:
This title introduces readers to the amazing paths a career in STEM has to offer where the forest is their office! The careers of forester, forest ranger, logger, firefighter, and urban forester are examined, as are the STEM technique ... AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
This is an enjoyable look into all the different aspects of gardening and several professions that work in gardens. There are two STEM activities included, as well as a glossary of terms used in the book. Students will have their horizons expanded when they see all the ways gardens impact our world. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Different forms of energy are explained in this simple, fun activity book that encourages budding scientists to conduct their own experiments. Full-color illustrations. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
There are forces at work whenever you throw a ball, run up the stairs, or push your big brotheroff the couch. Want to learn more about the forces around you? Read and find out! AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
The power and destruction of the atomic bomb is revealed through the experiences of those involved in and impacted by the decision to drop the first one on Hiroshima. Includes the amazing story of one man who survived the bombings at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Publisher Summary
Don't jump!If you're on the space shuttle, that is. Astronauts never jump in space. They usually drink out of straws, and they lift tons of equipment as if it were light as air. Find out more in this information-packed voyage into space. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Did you know that lightning bolts can be over a mile long? Or that they may come from clouds that are ten miles high? Storms can be scary, but not if you know what causes them. Before the next thunderstorm, grab this book by veteran science team Franklyn Branley and True Kelley and learn what causes the flash, crash, rumble, and roll of thunderstorms! AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
The veteran science team of Branley and Kelley lets readers see what they would experience if they could walk on the moon. The "Find Out More" page show readers how to make their own moon crater and try other moon activities. Color illustrations. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Moonlight is really sunlight!Did you know that the moon doesn't make its own light? Instead, it receives light from the sun and reflects it to us on the Earth. Read and find out about how the sun, the stars and light bulbs make light so we can see.Did you know that moonlight is really sunlight? The moon can't make its own light, so it receives light from the sun and then sends it to us here on the ... AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
In a clear and nonthreatening way, Franklyn M. Branley discusses where, when, and how a tornado develops and what happens during one, and outlines measuresreaders can take to keep themselves safe if caught near one. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Winner of the American Association for the Advancement of Science/Subaru Science Books & Films Prize for Outstanding Science Series AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Read and find out about one of nature's most mysterious forces--the earthquake. Some earthquakes are so small that you don't even feel them, while others can make even big buildings shake! Learn why earthquakes happen, where they are most likely to occur, and what to do if one happens near you. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
The sun shines down on us, giving warmth and light. But did you know that the sun also makes the seasons? As the earth makes one complete rotation around the sun every year, the seasons on the earth change -- from winter to spring to summer to fall and back to winter again. Find out how the light from the sun affects life on the earth for all living things in this look at the only star in our sola ... AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Allen Jay's family farm is a stop on the Underground Railroad. Allen's parents give food and shelter to slaves escaping from the South. One day in 1842, Allen's father asks him to help a runaway slave. Is Allen brave enough? This exciting true story takes you along as Allen meets Henry James, an African American man struggling to find freedom. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Readers are richly rewarded by this riveting storyline, exquisite writing, and powerful message. Brown skillfully shows how strength of mind can grow from hardship, how resilience is a choice, and how overcoming doubt and learning to trust in the face of unfathomable circumstances is possible. Historical setting influences the story and contrasts in regions within the US and abroad expand the read ... AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Brown's methodic, informative, and entertaining style through this graphic novel design is completely engaging. This book, particulary relevant as it explores the history of vaccines while acknowledging the pandemic at the time of writing, shows readers that while we do learn from experience, history tends to repeat itself when we do not. Provocative and full of well-researched scientific facts he ... AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
This clever, classy graphic novel retells background of the first moon landing using gorgeous, sometimes humorous illustrations and a historically accurate narrator who occasionally share his out-loud wonderings. This mix is well-balanced and contemporary, appealing to today's learners. The is extremely informative nonfiction that unfolds as a compelling novel.
Make Way for Books
Brown is a timeline master, carefully chroniclng ideas and events and piecing them together in a cause-effect progression. Big ideas become cornerstones that radically redirect the course of history and ultimately, the quality of human life. Brown's refreshing presentation sings with relevance, humor, vibrant drawings, and a fascinating storyline. A great addition to his Big Ideas That Changed the ... © 2009-2025 Clerestory Learning/Make Way for Books, llc