Beginning Reader
Publisher Summary
When nine-year-old Sarah and her little sister, Annie, set out on their way to school on January 12, 1888, they have no idea what their day will hold. The weather's so warm they go outside to play. Suddenly, the wind turns cold and begins to roar--it's a blizzard! The wind is so strong it rips the school's roof off. What will they do? The freezing snow is already up to their knees and without a ro ... AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Bronco Charlie longs for a life of adventure. By the time he turned eleven, he'd been a sailor, a cowboy, and could tame wild bucking broncos. But Charlie was always itching for new challenges, and when a Pony Express horse shows up riderless, Charlie gets his big chance. The next station is fifty miles away, and Charlie will have to ride through rocky mountains in the blinding rain to safely deli ... AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Eleven-year-old Willie McLean knows that General Lee will defeat the Yankees and win the Civil War, he just knows it. When a battle moves to the fields near his home in Appomattox, Virginia, Willie's thrilled--especially when General Lee, himself, comes to Willie's house! But then General Grant comes, too. Overhearing the two men talk, Willie hears one word: Surrender. Is the war really over? AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Martha Dandridge Custis was twenty-seven years old when she married George Washington. She worked by her husband's side to help keep their family, home, and country running smoothly. Whether she was at a ball or on a battlefield, Martha Washington set the standard for all future First Ladies with her quiet determination and courage. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
High in the sky, Bessie Coleman could soar like a bird. She was free--at least until she landed. As a black woman in the 1920s, she wasn't allowed to learn how to fly. Forced to travel to France to learn, she became the first African American woman to earn her pilot's license. Whether she was wing-walking, giving a speech, parachuting, or flying, Coleman inspired people with her bravery and resolv ... AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Fifteen-year-old Paul Jennings looked out the window of the President's House. America was at war with Britain, and British soldiers were marching toward Washington. Terrified people were fleeing the city. But Paul was not going to join them yet. He was a slave who belonged to President Madison and his wife, Dolley. Dolley did not want to leave until her husband returned from the battlefront. Paul ... AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Features many layers of information. The main text provides a general survey of the defining traits of hummingbirds. The illustrations and captions provide additional details, such as the names of different types of hummingbirds. At the book's conclusion, each illustration is presented in a smaller format with a very detailed paragraph of explanation. As a result, the book provides options that wi ... AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Features many layers of information. The main text provides a general survey of the defining traits of raptors. The illustrations and captions provide additional details, such as the names of different types of raptors. At the book's conclusion, each illustration is presented in a smaller format with a very detailed paragraph of explanation. As a result, the book provides options that will keep re ... AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Features many layers of information. The main text provides a general survey of the defining traits of mountain habitats. The illustrations and captions provide additional details, such as the names of different mountains and animal inhabitants. At the book's conclusion, each illustration is presented in a smaller format with a very detailed paragraph of explanation. As a result, the book provides ... AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Features many layers of information. The main text provides a general survey of the defining traits of mammals. The illustrations and captions provide additional details, such as the names of different types of mammals and their habitats. At the book's conclusion, each illustration is presented in a smaller format with a very detailed paragraph of explanation. As a result, the book provides option ... AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
THE HILARIOUS ADVENTURES OF TWO CONFUSED CANINES Down Girl and Sit are two dogs who are "smarter than squirrels." They know how to protect their masters from all the things that can go wrong in the neighborhood: they bark at paperboys and guard the garbage cans, and keep mischievous squirrels at bay. But when Here Kitty Kitty moves in next door, their daily routines are turned topsy-turvy. Filled ... AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Who knew chickens could be so manipulative, and that J.J. Tully, the dog whose heart still holds a soft spot to rescue the troubled would fall for their shenanigans? First-person narrative and a far-fetched storyline keep pace with comical illustrations sure to entertain even the most reluctant readers. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Macaulay invites readers to enjoy a flight, then shows and describes the plane's behavior on takeoff, during flight, and landing. His masterful drawings include just enough detail to clearly illustrate difficult concepts. He adds visual metaphor to strengthen his points, and uses angles and cross sections to reveal unique plane parts and systems associated with an everyday flight. Macaulay makes l ... AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
"Doggo loves his simple life. It's relaxing. It's predictable. It's calm. Enter Pupper, a rambunctious young'un with anything but calm on his mind. Can compromise be found before the challenges of age difference cause canine chaos? Young readers will love the fun and humor of these two lovable characters."
Make Way for Books
When the Brats play the Ladies, there is only one team to cheer for. But when the game comes down to Jack having to bat, the outcome is certainly not guaranteed. Nor is it predictable. Humor and reader engagement will have even reluctant readers howling for more stories featuring Jack, a lazy rabbit who comes through in the end (or does he?).
Make Way for Books
With the Cat in the Hat explaining the voting process—its history, effects, and opportunity—a somewhat complex concept becomes manageable. Rhyming sequences highlight one idea at a time and eventually broadens focus that invites kids to informed participation whenever the opportunity arises—in school, with friends, or in their community.
Publisher Summary
Winner of the 2021 Theodor Seuss Geisel AwardMove over, Spot. . . . Spoofing classic primers, Max the Dog talks back to the book in a twist that will have fans of funny early readers howling. See Max. Max is not a cat--Max is a dog. But much to Max's dismay, the book keeps instructing readers to "see the cat." How can Max get through to the book that he is a DOG? In a trio of stories for beginning ... AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Fear of what other's may think can't withstand the arrival of a delicious soup at the block party. A realistic portrayal of childhood concerns about being different.
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