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Make Way for Books
This delightful duo are best of friends, mostly. Sometimes they see things very differently, like ferris wheels (what fun!; too high!), cheese (so delicious!; a belly ache waiting to happen!), and an unexpected treasure (it belongs to the one who discovered it!; it belongs to the one who knows how to cook it!). Differences can cause problems, but they can also cause growth that look like patience, ... AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Through a fun question and answer format combined with clever illustrations, this informative book relates important details about several different parts of a healthy lifestyle. Young readers will enjoy the humor and appreciate the clear answers the book provides. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Through a fun question and answer format combined with clever illustrations, this informative book relates important details about simple machines. Young readers will enjoy the humor and appreciate the clear answers the book provides. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Through a fun question and answer format combined with clever illustrations, this informative book relates important details about engineering and architecture. Young readers will enjoy the humor and appreciate the clear answers the book provides. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Through a fun question and answer format combined with clever illustrations, this informative book relates important details about force and motion. Young readers will enjoy the humor and appreciate the clear answers the book provides. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Jack Russel terrier Fenway thinks life without a leash is way more fun. He doesn't need to wait on his humans, he can play chase with the other dogs, and he can brag about all of it to the canines next door. Being free also means he can ignore Hattie's calls for him to come. And in doing so, he can find himself alone and lost. Will such an experience change Fenway's thoughts about the dreaded leas ... AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
This short biography highlights the gentle character of Princess Di. It lays a foundation of her youth and servant’s spirit and how she carried that into her adult life and duties as a Princess. The biographers keep this story to the facts and appropriate for all ages. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Ponies is replete with brilliant photographs and catchy content that will both teach and entertain. Children will be captivated as they watch a brand new baby foal walk within minutes of being born then quickly turn into one of the most graceful animals on Earth. Like all of our level 1 readers written by skilled children's books authors, this title invites kids to learn more about their favorite ... ILLUSTRATOR
Make Way for Books
Florence Griffith Joyner's story is truly inspiring. From chasing jackrabbits across the desert and growing up in a low-income neighborhood to the pinnacle of her sport, FloJo worked hard, prayed, and developed her own sense of style both on and off the track. Young readers will cheer as the girl known as "Dee Dee" becomes one of the fastest women in history. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Is there only one type of veterinarian? Gentle illustrations envelop the story in wonder and discovery as a young boy who is allergic to cats learns he has many options. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Teddy wants a job, and Otter thinks he can help Teddy find the perfect occupation. When a series of tries fail to reveal a good fit for Teddy, he and Otter discover that they already have the best jobs possible. The delightful story makes a beautiful point about love and friendship. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Born small for a hippo, Fiona soon becomes the star of the Cincinnati Zoo. People love seeing her learn and play, and fan mail begins pouring in for the happy hippo. A true story delightfully retold for beginning readers. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Ty and his dad can go anywhere with a little imagination. And since the weather is perfect for a trip to the beach, they head to their backyard where sand and surf await. This is a beautiful but simple book that shows the power of imagination and the love of a family. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
When Bridget the alligator arrives in the mail, she's only the size of a key chain! But after Zack soaks her in water, she grows into a real live alligator. Bridget wrestles the garden hose and swings from the monkey bars. And what other alligator can do cartwheels? Children's Books of 1989 (Library of Congress) AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
The power of courage and hope transcended Helen's disability. This concise but rich retelling of Helen's life shows that growth and overcoming is possible through resilience, and this is evidenced first by Helen's parents, her teacher Annie, and then another teacher Sarah who believed Helen could accomplish even more. Well-written for young readers. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
This Step 3 beginning reader presents a biography of Civil War nurse and founder of the American Red Cross Clara Barton, a woman who outgrew her girhood shyness to became a fearless "Angel of the Battlefield." Full color. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Lively illustrations tag team with text to unfold a delightful tale of a determined fox and his very creative problem-solving methods. They're a little off the mark, but his friends, whose patience grows thin, take note of the problem and band together for a solid solution. Storytelling at its best. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Ants are everywhere. They creep, they crawl, they climb, and they fall. But they get up and they keep on working. Ants come in all different shapes, different sizes, and different colors. And they do a lot of different jobs. These hard-working little creatures thrive wherever they go, making whatever adaptations necessary in their ever-changing world. National Geographic supports K-12 educators wi ... © 2009-2025 Clerestory Learning/Make Way for Books, llc