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260 Matches Found
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Avail In Cart Title Author ISBN Format MWFB Qty
0 0 Snakes Are Hunters Lauber, Patricia 9780064450911 other $6.29
5 0 Snowshoe Thompson:... Levinson, Nancy... 9780064442060 other $5.39
106 0 So Far from the Bamboo... Watkins, Yoko... 9780688131159 other $8.99
27 0 The Someone New Twiss, Jill 9780062933744 hb $17.09
48 0 Sounder: A Newbery Award... Armstrong, William... 9780064400206 other $8.99
30 0 Space Cat Cushman, Doug 9780060089672 other $5.39
7 0 Spinning Spiders Berger, Melvin 9780064452076 other $6.29
98 0 Stone Fox Gardiner, John... 9780064401326 other $8.09
0 0 Storms Simon, Seymour 9780688117085 other $7.19
0 0 The Stray Dog: A... Simont, Marc 9780064436694 other $8.99
167 0 Stuart Little White, E. B. 9780064400565 other $8.99
20 0 Sunshine Makes the... Branley, Franklyn M. 9780062382092 other $8.09
0 0 The Super Sluggers:... Markey, Kevin 9780061152207 other $7.19
0 0 The Super Sluggers: Wall... Markey, Kevin 9780061152238 other $7.19
0 0 Survival in the... Otfinoski, Steven 9780062860446 other $4.49
4 0 Surviving Hitler: A Boy... Warren, Andrea 9780060007676 other $8.99
0 0 Switch On, Switch Off Berger, Melvin 9780064450973 other $6.29
23 0 The Sword in the Tree Bulla, Clyde Robert 9780064421324 other $6.29
192 0 Swordbird Fan, Nancy Yi 9780061131011 other $6.29
0 0 Thomas Edison: Lighting... Houran, Lori Haskins 9780062432872 other $5.39
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