Publisher Summary
Learn about the abolitionist Frederick Douglass and his fight for freedom in this Step 3 Biography Reader! Frederick Douglass was a keystone figure in the abolitionist movement, and his story has impacted generations of people fighting for civil rights in America. He was born to an enslaved mother and grew up with the horrors of slavery. In the course of his childhood, he was able to learn to read ... AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Driven by an overwhelming sense of faith, direction, and conviction, Harriet Tubman risked her life repeatedly for the causes of freedom and equality. An amazing life beautifully captured in this biography for developing readers.
Make Way for Books
"Achievement is one thing. Achieving while overcoming challenges that would defeat most others is something else, and that's what comes through in Misty Copeland's story."
Make Way for Books
The author shares the story of her younger self in this excellent autobiography for beginning readers. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
The biography emphasizes Edison's grit in improving or inventing new products.
Make Way for Books
If a life is spent focused on what is "deserved" but not given, what temptations will arise? A study in more than his most famous decision, this book gives readers a view of Arnold that, in part, explains how he turned traitor.
Make Way for Books
Florence Griffith Joyner's story is truly inspiring. From chasing jackrabbits across the desert and growing up in a low-income neighborhood to the pinnacle of her sport, FloJo worked hard, prayed, and developed her own sense of style both on and off the track. Young readers will cheer as the girl known as "Dee Dee" becomes one of the fastest women in history. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
The power of courage and hope transcended Helen's disability. This concise but rich retelling of Helen's life shows that growth and overcoming is possible through resilience, and this is evidenced first by Helen's parents, her teacher Annie, and then another teacher Sarah who believed Helen could accomplish even more. Well-written for young readers. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Martin Luther King, Jr. is having some problems with his best friend, Bobby. They are going to different schools this year, and Bobby's dad is not letting his son play with Martin. When Martin learns why, he is confused and hurt--but he learns a lesson that he will never forget. Full color. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
As a boy working in his father's shop, Paul Revere hears adults talk about their clubs with meetings, rules, and elections. It gives him the idea to start his own club--a bell ringers club. Full color. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
An introduction to the life and career of the ichthyologist whose interest in fish began at the age of nine during weekly trips to the Aquarium in New York City. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
A thorough but accessible biography that includes interesting graphic representations of some concepts. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
While his early schooling suggested a lack of potential, Einstein kept learning, and his thinking changed the world. A remarkable biography scaled for newly independent readers.
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It seems like Alexander Hamilton faced challenges from the very start of his life. This early biography relates the many times and ways Hamilton overcame barriers to become an early visionary for the young USA.
Publisher Summary
A brilliant mathematician who worked at NASA in the early 1950s until retiring in 1986, Johnson's unparalleled calculations (done by hand) helped plan the trajectories for NASA's Mercury and Apollo missions. A special section includes extras on subjects like history and math, plus inspiring careers for math lovers. Full color. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
A childhood dream finally comes true in this biography of the first African-American female astronaut. This is an excellent biography presented in an easy-to-read format. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
A simple, rewarding telling of how one boy, used to bright city lights, found wonder in the night sky. One visit to the planetarium planted the seed of curiosity that grew by persistence and his parent's support over many years. Currently an avid scientist in the place where his love for stars began, Neil Degrasse Tyson's story inspires pursuit of passion even when young. NOTE: The first page desc ... © 2009-2025 Clerestory Learning/Make Way for Books, llc