Publisher Summary
John James Audubon was a boy who loved the outdoors and believed in studying birds in nature, not just from books. Capturing the early passion of America's greatest painter of birds, this story will leave young readers listening intently for the calls of birds large and small near their own homes. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Jackie Robinson was a great athlete, but his destiny went far beyond the baseball diamond. As the first black man to play in the all-white baseball leagues, he was a symbol of courage, hope, and unity for all black and white Americans, and for people throughout the world. A fresh new biography of an American hero. Illustrated. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Remarkable is not a strong enough word to describe Ida. B. Wells. She used her skills to attack injustice wherever she saw it, seemingly without fear. Journalist, activist, mother, writer—Wells was a voice for the oppressed in every role she filled. A very interesting biography of an amazing individual. Includes connections to the recently opened Memorial for Peace and Justice where Ida B. Wells ... AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Renowned educator Christine King Farris, older sister of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., joins with celebrated illustrator Chris Soentpiet to tell this "outstanding" (School Library Journal) and inspirational story of how one boyhood experience inspired a movement that would change the world as we know it. Mother Dear, one day I'm going to turn this world upside down. Long before he became a ... AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
A brilliant mathematician who worked at NASA in the early 1950s until retiring in 1986, Johnson's unparalleled calculations (done by hand) helped plan the trajectories for NASA's Mercury and Apollo missions. A special section includes extras on subjects like history and math, plus inspiring careers for math lovers. Full color. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
While on a hiking trip, Donn became separated from his family and guide because of impatience. When dense fog shrouded Mount Katahdin, Maine's highest peak, Donn's problems were compounded. What follows is a true story of how a young boy survived on his own for nearly two weeks. Through the ordeal, he never gave up hope, believing Someone was watching over him. A truly inspiring story of faith, ho ... AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
This 1988 Newbery Medal Book tells the story of Abraham Lincoln with photographs and prints, providing a vivid look at the life and times of one of the nation's great leaders. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
In his trademark photobiography style, Freedman chronicles the life and accomplishments of Lewis Hine, schoolteacher turned activist and his fight against child labor in the early 1900's. Haunting photographs taken by Hine highlight the well-developed text, breathing life into this man's story. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
A biography of the modest Frenchman who, after being blinded at the age of three, went on to develop a system of raised dots on paper that enabled blind people to read and write. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
The intriguing story of Eleanor Roosevelt told by an award-winning author traces the life of the former first lady, from her early childhood through the tumultuous years in the White House to her active role in the founding of the United Nations after World War II. 140 photos. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
This captivating, true story is full and adventure and alive with anticipation. It begs for discussion on setting a goal and working hard to achieve it. Exquisite word selection creates outstanding mental images while the story's pace enables readers to feel the character's experience, sensing the anticipation of each problem faced and the sheer joy of a goal achieved. This story also provides a g ... AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Mysterious and intriguing, Nikola Tesla was endlessly curious and an amazing thinker, able to produce working items without models or trial-and-error. (He just pictured it all in his head first!) Provides an in-depth glimpse of an innovator who is still discussed, debated, and revered.
Make Way for Books
A thorough but accessible biography that includes interesting graphic representations of some concepts. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
More than 50 years after her refusal to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama, bus, Mrs. Rosa Parks is the subject of this picture-book tribute to her courageous action and the events that followed. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Richly colored illustrations that look photographic in places provide a somber but hopeful backdrop to this true story of bravery, self-discovery, and hope rooted in an unbearably painful circumstance. Lisa knows the heartwrenching decision her parents made to save her life, and so, with the support of a new, loving community in Britain, Lisa dedicates herself to the thing she loves the most to ma ... AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
As young Tom Edison sells newspapers and sandwiches on the Mt. Clemens railroad platform, he sees the station telegraph operator's son, Jimmy, playing on the tracks. When a boxcar comes rolling toward Jimmy at top speed, Tom rushes to help the child. Full-color illustrations. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Golenbock describes the racial prejudice experienced by Jackie Robinson when he joined the Brooklyn Dodgers and became the first black player in Major League baseball and depicts the acceptance and support he received from his white teammate Pee Wee Reese. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Before blacks were allowed in the major leagues, Hank Aaron was determined to play. This is the story of how he became a great ballplayer and an inspiration to us all. © 2009-2025 Clerestory Learning/Make Way for Books, llc