Beginning Reader
Publisher Summary
A compelling account, told in easy-to-read format, of a sled dog who led his team over 53 miles of Alaska wilderness to deliver medicine during an outbreak of diphtheria in 1925. AUTHOR
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Level Four How can your tongue tell a sweet taste from a sour one? How do your ears know which way a sound is coming from? Find out in this sense-sational nonfiction book! AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
It is a quiet day on an island. Then suddenly a mountain blows its top! It is a volcano. How does it start? What happens next? Read this amazing book and find out. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
An easy-to-read version of Scholastic's bestselling hardcover "Exploring the Titanic." AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Illus. in full color. Brer Fox makes a boy out of tar, so when Brer Rabbit shakes hands, he'll get stuck. "About fifty sentences, with one or two per gracefully color-cartooned page, this tale is reduced to the most basic motifs, but it does respect the ones it keeps. It will be a book to hand to kids who clamor for a version they can read for themselves."--"Bulletin, Center for Children's Books. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Illus. in full color. A shortstop in a tutu? Not if she can help it! Forced by her mother into taking ballet lessons, a die-hard tomboy discovers that there's team spirit at the barre as well as on the baseball diamond. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
To The Top! Climbing The World's Highest Mountain AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Illus. in full color. Chock-full of information about the most sensitive, intelligent, and friendly of large aquatic creatures, "Dolphins! should fare swimmingly with kids who read about whales and sharks. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Illus. in full color. Abraham Lincoln, one of our greatest presidents, started out in life as an absent-minded frontier lawyer. How did he nudge his memory? He stuck letters, court notes, contracts, and even his checkbook in his trademark top hat. When he took off his hat, it was all there! AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Filled with suspense, romance, and historical detail, here's a very young biography of the Powhatan Indian princess who played a vital role in early Colonial and Native American relations. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
The story of the construction, history, and symbolism of the Statue of Liberty--a gift to the U.S. from France--is related in a brightly illustrated, entertaining book for beginning readers. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Penner here offers sensational but true facts about bugs. From the waterbug, sucking its victims' blood like a vampire, to the assassin bug, which turns its prey to mush with deadly poison, this fascinating book will leave kids' skin crawling. Full color. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
A trip to Grandmother's house in the country presents new challenges to Henry and Mudge in this "perfect marriage of pictures and words" (School Library Journal). Full-color illustrations. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
For Henry and his big dog Mudge, spring means admiring the first snow glory, playing in puddles in the rain, and watching the five new kittens next door. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Whether it's a squirrel stuck in the mud or an opossum trapped in a drainpipe, members of the Animal Rescue Club are always ready to lend a hand. Full color. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
A fascinating look at giant squid, cephalopods in general, and the implications of the discovery of a 25-foot squid off the coast of New Zealand in 1997 will tantalize readers. Color illustrations throughout. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
There's going to be a snowman building contest in the park, and Henry and his father (and of course Mudge) are entering it. Will they win a prize? Full-color illustrations. © 2009-2025 Clerestory Learning/Make Way for Books, llc