Beginning Reader
Publisher Summary
Bunny, a rabbit, and Jack, a raccoon, live in the big city. In their fourth case, the duo must uncover who is taking the balloons from outside Mr. Paris's toy store every Friday. Full color. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
In the heart of the big city live two ace detectives: Bunny and Jack, who crack cases wide open. In their third case, a trombone disappears from Mr. Riley's music store. Who could be taking it--and why? A Junior Literary Guild Selection. Full-color illustrations. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Miss Nancy's prized binoculars are stolen, from her 30th story balcony, no less. Who could have snatched them right out from under Miss Nancy's nose? Full color. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
May-May and Rose Golly are out to entertain the locals along the American frontier with their singing and dancing. But is the West ready for this pair of sisters? Four-color illustrations. AUTHOR
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Jackie Mitchell has always wanted to be a great pitcher, and she finally has the chance to become one! In her first minor league game, she is up against two of the greatest home-run hitters of all time--Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig. Does she stand a chance? AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
After planting the seeds and watching them grow, huge pumpkins appear in a patch. Now we can make pumpkin pie and jack-o'-lanterns! Planting a garden is so much fun, and this rhyming reader shows us how. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Developing readers can have fun while learning with these Green Light Readers, featuring short sentences, creative stories, and simple dialogue. Illustrations. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Pickles is a young cat with big paws and big plans. But all he can find to do is chase other cats, until he is adopted by the local firehouse.Knowing that this is his chance to do big things, Pickles works hard to be a good fire cat. He learns to jump on a fire truck. He learns to help put out a fire, and he even helps out in a rescue! Beginning readers will cheer when Pickle's dream finally comes ... AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
When a hot-tempered dragon seizes the local bridge, the people of Berryville are cut off from their supply of strawberries until they can correctly answer three questions related to weight. The adults are stumped, but one very smart little girl saves the day with some facts she learned in school. Full color. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
On December 21, 1848, Ellen Craft and her husband, William, slipped out into the cold, dark night and took their first steps towards freedom. They were runaway slaves. Posing as a white man traveling with a slave, Ellen courageously boarded a train bound for Philadelphia. Could they actually make it a thousand miles without being discovered? As each tension-filled day passed and freedom got closer ... AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
The boat creaked and moaned as the storm's waves smashed into the ship. Down in the hold, Andre' sat between crates that held the great copper lady, the Statue of Liberty. They were on their way to America, but would the storm that raged prevent them from getting there? Given to the people of the United States in 1885 by the people of France as a symbol of friendship between the two countries, the ... AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
While it borders on the silly, who can resist a tale with chicken detectives named Dirt, Sweetie, Poppy, and Sugar? Although humorous wrong assumptions complicate their investigative strategy, the Chicken Squad bumbles its way to finding the "weird blue chicken's" missing home, restoring peace and order in their community. Very entertaining — a good choice for reluctant readers. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
While it borders on the silly, who can resist a tale with chicken detectives named Dirt, Sweetie, Poppy, and Sugar? Although humorous wrong assumptions complicate their investigative strategy, the Chicken Squad bumbles its way to finding the "weird blue chicken's" missing home, restoring peace and order in their community. Very entertaining — a good choice for reluctant readers. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Monkey BusinessWhen a glass monkey is stolen, High-Rise Private Eyes Bunny Brown and Jack Jones are on the job! But will this be one case that's too tough to crack? AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
A compelling account, told in easy-to-read format, of a sled dog who led his team over 53 miles of Alaska wilderness to deliver medicine during an outbreak of diphtheria in 1925. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
When someone breaks in to the Black Cat Bookstore, Cobweb, the owner's cat, is on the case. Cobweb plans to scare the burglar away with the help of the ghost who lives in the bookstore. There's only one problem--the burglar doesn't believe in ghosts. But maybe he'll change his mind once he meets this special ghost. Full-color illustrations. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Fox siblings Fritz and Franny, and their patient dog Fred, are at the amusement park squabbling about which ride is fastest and loudest—but when they are confronted by the biggest, tallest, and loudest roller coaster they decide that maybe Fred would prefer something not quite so scary.
Publisher Summary
Ariel would love to be in the basket of Lucky Star on the day of the big balloon race against Bernard the Brave. Her mother, Carlotta the Great, is the best lady balloonist in America. But Ariel's parents think she is too young. Little do they know she is asleep in the Odds and Ends box when Carlotta the Great orders Hands off! and the balloon race begins. The thrills of Ariel's first ride in a h ... © 2009-2025 Clerestory Learning/Make Way for Books, llc