Beginning Reader
Publisher Summary
With fun bee facts and bright, realistic artwork, this informative book explores the life cycle of honeybees. Full color. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Simple story of a grandfather's reminiscence of his happy history. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
On December 21, 1848, Ellen Craft and her husband, William, slipped out into the cold, dark night and took their first steps towards freedom. They were runaway slaves. Posing as a white man traveling with a slave, Ellen courageously boarded a train bound for Philadelphia. Could they actually make it a thousand miles without being discovered? As each tension-filled day passed and freedom got closer ... AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Tiger the cat is missing. Follow Lisa Campbell Ernst's playful illustrations, and you'll discover that Tiger might be closer than you think. . . . AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Developing readers can have fun while learning with these Green Light Readers, featuring short sentences, creative stories, and simple dialogue. Illustrations. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Gil the ant thinks all of his friends have forgotten his special day! Have they, or are they planning a special surprise? AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Everyone needs a friend like Squirrel! While Squirrel's well-intended "help" to move his friends from routine and well-worn ruts takes a few humorous turns on the way to "fun," this romp is simply refreshing. It is a lighthearted look at the importance of self-regulation and values that culminates in a celebration of fun and friendship. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Developing readers can have fun while learning with these Green Light Readers, featuring short sentences, creative stories, and simple dialogue. Illustrations. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
This funny, entertaining introduction to Ben Franklin and his many inventions includes the story of how he created the "magic square" -- a box of nine numbers arranged so that any line of three numbers add up to the same number, including on the diagonal! A "Step into Reading & Math(" title. Full-color illustrations. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Boom! Bang! Guns fire! Cannons roar! George Washington is fighting in the American Revolution. He sees a dog lost on the battlefield. Whose dog is it? How will it find its master? Early readers will be surprised to find out what happens in this little-known true story about America's first president. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Batter up! It's 1919 and baseball is in trouble! All across the country, people are throwing down their bats, and giving up America's national pastime. It's up to Babe Ruth to win back fans and save baseball! Can he do it, or will he strike out? AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Learn about the abolitionist Frederick Douglass and his fight for freedom in this Step 3 Biography Reader! Frederick Douglass was a keystone figure in the abolitionist movement, and his story has impacted generations of people fighting for civil rights in America. He was born to an enslaved mother and grew up with the horrors of slavery. In the course of his childhood, he was able to learn to read ... AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Can loneliness make even pizza unappetizing? If so, can a new friend make any pizza taste great? With humor, this gentle story emphasizes the positive influence of friendship.
Publisher Summary
It is a quiet day on an island. Then suddenly a mountain blows its top! It is a volcano. How does it start? What happens next? Read this amazing book and find out. AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Dog be gone!The big old dog wants to play. Can the little boy make him go away? AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
THE HILARIOUS ADVENTURES OF TWO CONFUSED CANINES Down Girl and Sit are two dogs who are "smarter than squirrels." They know how to protect their masters from all the things that can go wrong in the neighborhood: they bark at paperboys and guard the garbage cans, and keep mischievous squirrels at bay. But when Here Kitty Kitty moves in next door, their daily routines are turned topsy-turvy. Filled ... AUTHOR
Publisher Summary
Illus. in full color. "The tallest person is no taller than a toothpick in the town of Pee Wee, and when Lady Teena is abducted by a dragonfly, a tiny knight, riding his trusty ant, rescues the miniature maiden. This is a hit--an engagingly humorous storyline (set in very large type) features simple words and only a sentence or two per page."--"Booklist. AUTHOR
Make Way for Books
Brimming with rich vocabulary, Nancy's retells her friends new-glasses adventure first with admiration and then wistful jealousy. However, her mom's creative solution quickly offers a perfect antidote. Illustration burst with vibrant, contagious energy. © 2009-2025 Clerestory Learning/Make Way for Books, llc